Describe Method (IBrowser)
Describes a child test object.
Overload List
Describe<TChild>(IDescription)Describes a child test object.  
Describe<TChild>(XPathDescription)Describes a child test object using the provided XPath.  
Describe<TChild>(CSSDescription)Describes a child test object using the provided CSS selector.  
//Create a description for a link and then click the link.
browser.Describe<ILink>(new LinkDescription
    TagName = @"A",
    InnerText = @"Business Travel @"
// This example locates an Image in a browser
IImage tip = browser.Describe<IImage>(new ImageDescription
    Alt = As.RegExp(@"Tip.*"),
    Type = HP.LFT.SDK.Web.ImageType.Normal,
    TagName = @"IMG"
//gets the list ob cities.
var departureCombo = browser.Describe<IListBox>(new ListBoxDescription
    TagName = @"SELECT",
    Name = @"fromPort"

//sorts the list of cities.
var departureCities = departureCombo.Items;
var specialOffers = browser.Describe<ITable>(new TableDescription
    TagName = @"TABLE",
    Index = 9

//goes over the offers and checks their currency.
foreach (var offer in specialOffers.Rows)
    Verify.IsTrue(offer.Cells[1].Text.StartsWith("$"), "Doc_Web_TableCells_Small", "Verify that currencies are in Dollars.");
var usernameLabel = browser.Describe<IWebElement>(new WebElementDescription
    TagName = @"TD",
    InnerText = @"User Name:"
browser.Describe<IEditField>(new EditFieldDescription
    Vri =
            new VisualRelation{
                TestObject = usernameLabel,
                 HorizontalRelation = HorizontalVisualRelation.LeftAndInline