SAPUI5 code samples (.NET SDK)

Select an item in a ListBox

This example shows how to locate and select an item in a list box using a property-based description.

public void Verify_ListBoxSelectListItemByIndex()
		// Navigate to the AUT site. 

		// Identify the list box.
		var list = _browser.Describe<UI5.IListBox>(new UI5.ListBoxDescription
			Id = @"lb3",
			TagName = @"DIV"

		// Select the first item by index.

		// Check that only one item in the list box is selected. 
		Verify.AreEqual(1, list.SelectedItems.Count, "Verify_ListBoxSelectListItemByIndex", "Verify that only one item in the list box is selected.");
	catch (Exception e)
		Reporter.ReportEvent("Verify_ListBoxSelectListItemByIndex", "Failed during validation", Status.Failed, e);

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Delete an item in a ListBox

This example shows how to locate and select an item in a list box using a property-based description


public void Verify_ListBoxFunctionalityForSubType()
		// Navigate to the AUT site.

		// Select the ListBox. 
		_browser.Describe<UI5.IListBox>(new UI5.ListBoxDescription
			TagName = @"DIV",
			Name = @"List Overview"
		}).Select(@"Standard List Thumb");

		/* Click the Delete button. The delete button adds a button next to each item in the list box, 
		         * enabling you to select single items in the list box to delete. */
		_browser.Describe<UI5.IButton>(new UI5.ButtonDescription
			TagName = @"button",
			ButtonType = @"submit",
			Name = @"Delete"

		// Identify the list box.
		var listBox = _browser.Describe<UI5.IListBox>(new UI5.ListBoxDescription
			TagName = @"DIV",
			Name = @"Travel [List-Mode: Delete]"

		// Delete the item from the ListBox.
		listBox.Mobile.Delete(@"Work Accidents");
	catch (AssertionException e)
		Reporter.ReportEvent("Verify_ListBoxFunctionalityForSubType", "Failed during validation", Status.Failed, e);

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