StartScreenRecording Method (Reporter, IReporter)

Starts a screen recording, saved as an .avi file. A test cannot start multiple screen recordings in parallel.

To stop the recording, use StopScreenRecording.

This method has multiple overloads.

StartScreenRecording (Boolean, String) Method

Starts a screen recording.

C# Syntax

void StartScreenRecording( 
   boolean useCompression,
   string outputPath


Specifies whether to record the whole scene or present a time-lapse video.
Possible values: 
  • true. The recorded video represents a time lapse of the recorded scene
  • false. the full scene is recorded
The target location for the recorded video.
A link to the recording is added to the test results. If you enter a relative path, the path is relative to the report folder.

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StartScreenRecording (Boolean) Method

Starts a screen recording to save in the report folder. A link to the recording is added to the test results.

C# Syntax

void StartScreenRecording( 
   boolean useCompression


Specifies whether to record the whole scene or present a time-lapse video.
Possible values: 
  • true. The recorded video represents a time lapse of the recorded scene
  • false. the full scene is recorded

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StartScreenRecording (String) Method

Starts a screen recording of a time lapse video.

C# Syntax

void StartScreenRecording(
   string outputPath


The target location for the recorded video.

A link to the recording is added to the test results. If you enter a relative path, the path is relative to the report folder.

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StartScreenRecording () Method

Starts screen recording of a time lapse video saved to the reporter folder. A link to the recording is added to the test results.

C# Syntax

void StartScreenRecording()

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