What's New in UFT Developer 15.0
This topic describes the new features and enhancements available in UFT Developer 15.0.
LeanFT is now UFT Developer!
The Micro Focus UFT One family of integrated Functional Testing solutions enables customers to test earlier and faster by combining a breadth of technology support with AI-driven capabilities. This provides the speed and resiliency required to achieve automation at scale that is tightly integrated with an organization’s current DevOps toolchain.
UFT One. Accelerate test automation with one intelligent solution for web, mobile, API, RPA, and enterprise apps.
UFT Developer. Easily shift-left testing using standard programming languages, IDEs, and testing frameworks of choice.
UFT Mobile. Amplify team productivity with an enterprise-level, end-to-end lab of real mobile devices and emulators.
- Note:
- The default installation location is now C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT Developer. The application data and configuration files remain in their original locations.
- The terms LeanFT or Mobile Center are still used in some places in the documentation, SDKs, file paths, and user interface. These refer to UFT Developer and Digital Lab (UFT Mobile) respectively.
Installation updates
The following changes in UFT One 15.0 require your attention:
UFT Developer's infrastructure was upgraded from .NET framework 4.5 to 4.8.
Before upgrading to UFT Developer 15.0, consult the Product Availability Matrix to make sure that your operating system is compatible with the new version.
When installing UFT Developer, the .NET Framework installation may require restarting your computer.
Web testing enhancements
This version provides the following enhancements for testing web applications:
Using the Browser.FullScreen mode, you can now specify whether to set the browser to full-screen mode or normal mode.
Alternatively, you can use the method as it worked before, switching the browser's full-screen mode from the current state to the other.
For details on these methods, see the .NET, Java, and JavaScript SDK references.
The following TableCell methods in the Java SDK are now supported on macOS and Linux in addition to the already supported Windows operating systems:
The Functional Testing Agent browser extension that UFT Developer uses to communicate with web applications is now named Micro Focus UFT Agent.
Java testing enhancements
This version provides the following enhancements for testing Java applications:
UFT Developer can now access custom properties of Java objects.
To use custom properties to identify objects in your Java application, include these properties in your object descriptions, using the objectProperties property.
To retrieve the values of these properties from the application in run time, use the getObjectProperty method.
For details, see the .NET, Java, and JavaScript SDK references.
You can now clear a radio button selection in a Java application without selecting another radio button. For details, see the .NET, Java, and JavaScript SDK references.
You can now use the isWrapped property in test object descriptions. For details, see the .NET, Java, and JavaScript SDK references.
Access-key authentication when connecting to the mobile device lab
You can now connect to the Digital Lab (UFT Mobile) server in one of two ways, depending on the server's requirements:
Use a user name and password.
Use access keys provided by Digital Lab (UFT Mobile) for authentication.
You can generate your access keys in the Digital Lab (UFT Mobile) Lab.
Extended technology support
The list of supported technologies, frameworks, browsers, and versions continues to expand.
This version includes the following additional support:
.NET and WPF applications on the .NET 4.8 framework
Angular 7.x
Eclipse 2019-09 4.13
IBM Java 1.7 and 1.8.
For details on configuration, see Test Java IBM applications.
IntelliJ 2019.1.4
PowerBuilder 2019
PowerBuilder 64-bit applications
Visual Studio 2019
Windows Server 2019
Windows 10 1903
For more details, see Support Matrix.
Additional improvements and fixes
This version includes the following fixed known issues and additional feature improvements:
- Support setSecure in Insight TestObject. For details, see the .NET, Java, and JavaScript SDK references.
Bookmarking the Help Center
To ensure that you are always viewing the most up-to-date version of the Help Center, bookmark this link: https://admhelp.microfocus.com/uftdev.
To create a link that always points to the most recent version of a topic, replace the version number in the URL with 'latest'. For example:
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See also: