Prerequisites for Maven-based projects

For Maven-based projects you must install the UFT Developer JARs in the Maven repository (your organization's or local).

In this topic:

Install the UFT Developer JARs in the Maven repository

Make sure that you install the JAR files using the POM files that we supply. This ensures that the GAV and all dependencies for each UFT Developer JAR are defined correctly. Otherwise, when you run your tests, second-level-dependency files will be missing, and you will see NoClassDefFoundError messages, indicating missing files such as com/hp/lft/common/logging/Logger.

Follow these instructions to install the UFT Developer JARs. For a list of files names to install, as well as examples, see the sections below.

  • To install the JARs to your organization's repository, run the following command:

    mvn deploy:deploy-file





  • To install the JARs to your local repository, run the following command:

    mvn install:install-file



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JAR and POM list

The path to the JARs and POMs is:

  • Windows: <UFT_Developer_installdir>\SDK\Maven
  • Linux/Mac: <UFT_Developer_installdir>/sdk/Maven/

Expand the relevant link to see installation information relevant to your version:

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The following examples shows how to install the UFT Developer JARs in your local Maven repository. Run the following commands from <UFT_Developer_installdir>\SDK\Maven (on Windows) or <UFT_Developer_installdir>/sdk/Maven/ (on Linux/Mac).

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