Install UFT Developer license from the command line (Windows)

You can install seat or concurrent licenses on Windows machines directly from the command line.

Note: Installing licenses requires administrator permissions.

Run the License Installer, LicenseInstall.exe, as follows, appending the relevant command and set of parameters described in the table below:

"<UFT Developer installation directory>\bin\HP.UFT.LicenseInstall.exe"

Action Commands and parameters
Seat license
Install a seat license
  • Run the License Installer, appending the following: 

    seat "<license key string>"


    "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenText\UFT Developer\bin\HP.UFT.LicenseInstall.exe" seat "<key> \"UFT One Seat User"

    Note: If the license key contains a quotation mark character (") in the license key string, add a backslash character (\) before the quotation mark.

  • If the license key file is saved locally, append the following:

    seat "<path to the license key file>"

    Note: Wrap the path to the license key file in quotes.


    "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenText\UFT Developer\bin\HP.UFT.LicenseInstall.exe" seat "Downloads\UFT-licfile.dat"

Concurrent license

Verify available licenses

Run the License Installer, appending the following:

licenses <server name/address>:<port> [/tenantid:"xx" /tenanttoken:"xx"]

The available licenses are displayed by unique ID and version.


"C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenText\UFT Developer\bin\HP.UFT.LicenseInstall.exe" licenses /tenantid:"tenant1" /tenanttoken:"6wxTn89A6BSr04c+nPYstA=="

Default port for the server is 5814.

The address format must be identical to the one used in the Main tab of the AutoPass License Server Configuration pane. For details, see the AutoPass License Server online documentation.

/tenantid: The ID of an AutoPass License Server tenant.

/tenanttoken: The token assigned to the tenant.

Note: /tenantid and /tenanttoken are supported in UFT Developer 23.4 and later. They are required only when you verify available licenses on a multi-tenant License Server.

Install a concurrent license
  1. Run the License Installer to verify which licenses are available on the AutoPass server, as described above.

    The available licenses are displayed by unique ID and version.

  2. Run the License Installer again, this time appending the following command and parameters:

    concurrent <license ID> <license version> <server name/address>:<port> [/tenantid:"xx" /tenanttoken:"xx"] [/force]


    "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenText\UFT Developer\bin\HP.UFT.LicenseInstall.exe" concurrent /tenantid:"tenant1" /tenanttoken:"6wxTn89A6BSr04c+nPYstA==" /force

    /force: Optional, and saves the license installation information even if the current installation fails. In subsequent sessions, UFT Developer checks the listed license server for the listed license.

Modify server connection protocol

Run the License Installer, appending: config protocol.primary <protocol>

where <protocol> is http or https as needed.