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new DeviceTO()
Device orientation settings.
Returns the object display name defined in the Application Model.
$(description) → {*}
Creates a child test object of this test object.
This operation does not cause UFT Developer to search for the object in the AUT. UFT Developer interacts with the application only when a step runs that performs an operation on the AUT object.
Name | Type | Description |
description | Description | The description of the test object. Can be a full test object description or a string. If a string is provided, it is interpreted as a CSS selector with a default test object type of WebElement. |
the new child test object with the provided description.
- *
$$(description, dontFilterByTypeopt ) → {Promise.<Array.<TestObject>>}
Returns all child objects of this object that match the supplied test object description.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
description | | | | A description object that defines the test object type and the set of properties and values that should be common to all objects that are returned. |
dontFilterByType | boolean |
| Set this parameter to true to avoid limiting the returned objects to a specific test object type. |
a promise that is fulfilled with an array of test objects that match the supplied description.
- Promise.<Array.<TestObject>>
back() → {Promise.<void>}
Presses the device's Back button (Android only).
a promise that is fulfilled when the Back button is pressed.
- Promise.<void>
closeViewer() → {Promise.<void>}
Closes the RDP window for the device (if open).
Note: Calling this method does not release the device if it is locked.
a promise that is fulfilled when the RDP window for the device is closed.
- Promise.<void>
description() → {*}
Returns the description for this test object. The test object must be obtained using the $ method, otherwise, this method returns null.
the description for this test object.
- *
exists(timeoutopt ) → {Promise.<boolean>}
Checks whether this object exists in the AUT.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
timeout | number |
| The time (in seconds) to wait for this object before returning a result of true or false. By default, uses the object synchronization timeout defined in the runtime engine settings. |
a promise that is fulfilled with a boolean indicating whether the object exists.
- Promise.<boolean>
getLogs() → {Promise.<string>}
Returns the device logs collected since the device was locked.
a promise that is fulfilled with the device logs collected since the device was locked.
- Promise.<string>
getTextLocations(text, rectangleopt ) → {Promise.<Object>}
Returns all rectangular areas containing the specified text within this object.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
text | string | | The text to search for in the test object. |
rectangle | Object |
| The rectangular area in the test object to search for the text. |
a promise that is fulfilled with an array of rectangles containing all rectangular areas containing the specified text within this object.
- Promise.<Object>
getVisibleText(rectangleopt ) → {Promise.<string>}
Returns all visible text from this object.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
rectangle | Object |
| The rectangular area in the test object to return the text from. |
a promise that is fulfilled with all the visible text from this object.
- Promise.<string>
getVitals() → {Promise.<string>}
Returns an accumulation of the device vitals from the time the device was locked, in one second intervals.
a promise that is fulfilled with the device vitals collected since the device was locked.
- Promise.<string>
highlight() → {Promise.<void>}
Highlights this object in the AUT.
Remark: This may be useful when debugging a test.
a promise that is fulfilled when the highlighting operation ends.
- Promise.<void>
highlightMatches(description, dontFilterByTypeopt ) → {Promise.<number>}
Highlights all children that match the supplied test object description.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
description | | | | A description object that defines the test object type and the set of properties and values that should be common to all objects that are highlighted. |
dontFilterByType | boolean |
| Set this parameter to true to avoid limiting the highlighted objects to a specific test object type. |
a promise that is fulfilled with the number of matches that are found and highlighted.
- Promise.<number>
home() → {Promise.<void>}
Presses the device's Home button (Android only).
a promise that is fulfilled when the Home button is pressed.
- Promise.<void>
id() → {Promise.<string>}
Returns the ID of the device in the Digital Lab (UFT Mobile) lab.
a promise that is fulfilled with the ID of the device in the Digital Lab (UFT Mobile) lab.
- Promise.<string>
isViewerOpen() → {Promise.<boolean>}
Checks if the RDP window for the device is open.
a promise that is fulfilled with an indication of whether an RDP window for the device is open.
- Promise.<boolean>
manufacturer() → {Promise.<string>}
Returns the manufacturer of the device.
a promise that is fulfilled with the manufacturer of the device.
- Promise.<string>
Presses the device's Menu button (Android only).
a promise that is fulfilled when the Menu button is pressed.
- Promise.<void>
model() → {Promise.<string>}
Returns the model name of the device.
a promise that is fulfilled with the model name of the device.
- Promise.<string>
name() → {Promise.<string>}
Returns the name of the device as defined in Digital Lab (UFT Mobile).
a promise that is fulfilled with the name of the device as defined in Digital Lab (UFT Mobile).
- Promise.<string>
networkVirtualizationEnd() → {Promise.<void>}
Stops the Network Virtualization service.
a promise that is fulfilled when the Network Virtualization service is stopped.
- Promise.<void>
networkVirtualizationStart(profile) → {Promise.<void>}
Starts the Network Virtualization service using the specified network profile.
Name | Type | Description |
profile | string | The name of the profile containing the conditions that you want to apply to the virtualized network. The profile must be set up in Network Virtualization. |
a promise that is fulfilled when the Network Virtualization service is started.
- Promise.<void>
openViewer() → {Promise.<void>}
Opens an RDP window for the device.
Note: If a window for the device is open already, another window is not opened.
a promise that is fulfilled when an RDP window for the device is opened.
- Promise.<void>
osType() → {Promise.<string>}
Returns the operating system currently running on the device.
a promise that is fulfilled with the operating system currently running on the device.
- Promise.<string>
osVersion() → {Promise.<string>}
Returns the version of the operating system currently running on the device.
a promise that is fulfilled with the version of the operating system currently running on the device.
- Promise.<string>
pan(start, end, panArgsopt ) → {Promise.<void>}
Supported in UFT Developer version 24.2 and later
Performs a pan gesture on the device.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
start | Point | | The point at which to start the pan gesture. |
end | Point | | The point at which to end the pan gesture. |
panArgs | object |
| Arguments object that defines the behavior of the pan operation:PropertiesName | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
velocity | number |
| | The speed at which to perform the pan operation. | gesture | string |
"" | The gesture class designed by the mobile application developer to handle this gesture on this object. |
a promise that is fulfilled after the pan operation has occurred.
- Promise.<void>
parent() → {*}
Returns the parent test object of this test object. The child object must be obtained using the $ method, otherwise, this method returns null.
the parent test object of this test object.
- *
recentApps() → {Promise.<void>}
Opens the list of recent applications (Android only).
a promise that is fulfilled when the list of recent applications is opened.
- Promise.<void>
sendCustomKey(keyId, durationopt ) → {Promise.<void>}
Simulate pressing a custom device key.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
keyId | string | | The ID of the key as defined by the device manufacturer. |
duration | number |
| The time (in milliseconds) to keep the key pressed. The default is 0 (zero). |
a promise that is fulfilled when the sendCustomKey operation is performed.
- Promise.<void>
sendKey(key, durationopt ) → {Promise.<void>}
Simulates pressing a special key in the device keyboard, with the option to define the time to keep the key pressed.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
key | Mobile.Device.Keys | | The key to be pressed. |
duration | number |
| The time (in milliseconds) to keep the key pressed. The default is 0 (zero). |
a promise that is fulfilled when the sendKey operation is performed.
- Promise.<void>
sendString(text, intervalopt ) → {Promise.<void>}
Simulates entering text (a string) using the device keyboard, with the option to send each of the string characters in intervals of n milliseconds.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
text | string | | The text to send to the device. |
interval | number |
| The time (in milliseconds) to wait before injecting each subsequent character. The value must be between 200 and 3000, or 0 (default), otherwise an exception is thrown. |
a promise that is fulfilled when the sendString operation is performed.
- Promise.<void>
setOrientation(orientation) → {Promise.<void>}
Sets the device orientation.
Name | Type | Description |
orientation | Mobile.Device.DeviceOrientation | The orientation to set. You can use the DeviceOrientation object or just pass 'portrait' or 'landscape' as a string. |
a promise that is fulfilled when the device orientation is set.
- Promise.<void>
simulateGPS(latitude, longitude) → {Promise.<void>}
Simulates a change in the device's GPS location (Android only).
Name | Type | Description |
latitude | number | The latitude coordinate of the location. |
longitude | number | The longitude coordinate of the location. |
a promise that is fulfilled when the GPS location is changed.
- Promise.<void>
simulateIncomingCall(from, eventResponseArgsopt ) → {Promise.<void>}
Simulates an incoming call.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
from | string | | The caller ID of the incoming call. |
eventResponseArgs | object |
| The simulated user response to the incoming call that interrupts the flow of the application.
PropertiesName | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
timeInBackground | number |
| The time (in seconds) that the application remains in the background while the event is being handled. | respondToEvent | boolean |
| Indicates whether there is a response to the simulated event. Default: false. |
a promise that is fulfilled when the call is simulated.
- Promise.<void>
simulateIncomingSMS(from, text, eventResponseArgsopt ) → {Promise.<void>}
Simulates an incoming SMS.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
from | string | | The caller ID of the incoming SMS message. |
text | string | | The text of the incoming SMS message. |
eventResponseArgs | object |
| The simulated user response to the incoming SMS that interrupts the flow of the application.
PropertiesName | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
timeInBackground | number |
| The time (in seconds) that the application remains in the background while the event is being handled. | respondToEvent | boolean |
| Indicates whether there is a response to the simulated event. Default: false. |
a promise that is fulfilled when the incoming SMS is simulated.
- Promise.<void>
snapshot(optionsopt ) → {Promise.<string>}
Captures and returns a Base64 representation of this test object.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
options | Object |
| An options object that defines the image capture preferences.
PropertiesName | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
format | string |
| The format of the image. Possible values: png, bmp. |
a promise that is fulfilled with the Base64 string of the test object's image.
- Promise.<string>
Returns the source of the device.
a promise that is fulfilled with the source of the device.
- Promise.<Mobile.DeviceSource>
swipe(direction, startLocationopt ) → {Promise.<void>}
Swipes the device in the specified direction starting from the specified location.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
direction | SwipeDirection | | The direction of the swipe (the SwipeDirection object can be used). |
startLocation | Location |
| The coordinates from which to start the swipe. Default value: the leading edge of the element or device. |
a promise that is fulfilled when the swipe operation is performed.
- Promise.<void>
touch(x, y) → {Promise.<void>}
Touches the device at the specified coordinates (Android only).
Name | Type | Description |
x | number | The x coordinate to touch. |
y | number | The y coordinate to touch. |
a promise that is fulfilled when the touch operation is performed.
- Promise.<void>
unlock() → {Promise.<void>}
Unlocks the device in Digital Lab (UFT Mobile) if the device is not locked by another device object.
This method also closes the RDP window.
a promise that is fulfilled when the device is unlocked.
- Promise.<void>
Upload the media object data to the device for camera or video simulation, with the option to save the file. The files are deleted when the device is released.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
mediaInfo | Object | | The MediaInfo of the media file to upload.
PropertiesName | Type | Description |
Base64Data | string | A base64 string representation of the media file (image or video). | MimeType | string | The mime type of the media file. Possible values: For BMP media type: "image/bmp" For GIF media type: "image/gif" For JPG media type: "image/jpeg" For PNG media type: "image/png" For TIF (iOS only) media type: "image/tiff" For MP4 media type: "video/mp4" For 3GP (Android only) media type: "video/3gpp" For MKV (Android only) media type: "video/x-matroska" For MOV (iOS only) media type: "video/quicktime" For M4V (iOS only) media type: "video/mp4"
mediaId | string | | The unique ID of the uploaded media. The ID is used to start the simulation using Application.startCameraSimulationMode. |
options | Object |
| Upload options.
PropertiesName | Type | Attributes | Description |
saveToPicturesFolder | boolean |
| Boolean Indicates whether the uploaded media file is saved to the Pictures folder or not. |
a promise that is fulfilled when the uploadMedia operation is performed.
- Promise.<void>
Upload a media file to the device for camera or video simulation, with the option to save the file. The files are deleted when the device is released.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
mediaUrl | string | | The URL, including the extension, of the media file (image or video). Supported formats: JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIF (iOS only), MP4, 3GP (Android only), MKV (Android only), MOV (iOS only), M4V (iOS only). |
mediaId | string | | The unique ID of the uploaded media. The ID is used to start the simulation using Application.startCameraSimulationModeWiredName. |
options | Object |
| Upload options.
PropertiesName | Type | Attributes | Description |
saveToPicturesFolder | boolean |
| Boolean indicating whether the uploaded media file is saved to the Pictures folder or not. |
a promise that is fulfilled when the uploadMediaUrl operation is performed.
- Promise.<void>
verifyImageExists(imageToFind, similarityopt ) → {Promise.<Object>}
Checks whether a snapshot of this object contains the supplied image.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
imageToFind | string | | A Base64 string representation of the image to look for within the test object's snapshot. |
similarity | number |
| The minimum similarity between the two images (as a percentage), above which the find is considered a match. Default = 100. |
a promise that is fulfilled with an object representing the point where the image was located, or null if it was not found.
- Promise.<Object>
verifyImageMatch(expectedImage, pixelToleranceopt , rgbToleranceopt ) → {Promise.<boolean>}
Checks whether a snapshot of this object and the supplied image are a match.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
expectedImage | string | | A Base64 string representation of the image to compare to the test object snapshot. |
pixelTolerance | number |
| The percentage of pixels that can differ between the two images, and still be considered a match. Default = 0. |
rgbTolerance | number |
| The percentage by which the RGB values of the pixels in the two images can differ, and still be considered a match. Default = 0. |
a promise that is fulfilled with a boolean representing the comparison result.
- Promise.<boolean>
verifyImageMatchWithMask(expectedImage, maskAreaImage, pixelToleranceopt , rgbToleranceopt ) → {Promise.<boolean>}
Checks whether a snapshot of this object and the supplied image are a match.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
expectedImage | string | | A Base64 string representation of the image to compare to the test object snapshot. |
maskAreaImage | string | | A Base64 string representation of the image mask area to use in the image comparison. |
pixelTolerance | number |
| The percentage of pixels that can differ between the two images, and still be considered a match. Default = 0. |
rgbTolerance | number |
| The percentage by which the RGB values of the pixels in the two images can differ, and still be considered a match. Default = 0. |
a promise that is fulfilled with a boolean representing the comparison result.
- Promise.<boolean>
waitUntilExists(timeoutopt ) → {Promise.<boolean>}
Waits until this test object exists or until the specified timeout elapses.
This method is useful for synchronizing your test with your application.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
timeout | number |
| The time (in seconds) to wait for this object to exist. By default, uses the object synchronization timeout defined in the runtime engine settings. |
a promise that is fulfilled with a boolean indicating whether the object exists.
- Promise.<boolean>
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