Mobile code samples (Java SDK)
In this topic:
- Tap a button on a mobile device
- Perform a search in a WebView
- Iterate through connected devices
- Lock and automatically unlock a device at the end of a session
- Collect accumulated device vitals data
- Tap on public devices
- Camera simulation
- Simulate fingerprint authentication
- Simulate barcode or QR code authentication
- Service Virtualization integration
Tap a button on a mobile device
This example taps a button on an AUT and verifies that the required string is displayed in an edit field.
public void mobileButtonTest() throws Exception {
// Lock device by its name.
Device device = MobileLab.lockDeviceByName("MyDevice");
// Describe the AUT.
Application app = device.describe(Application.class, new ApplicationDescription.Builder()
// Launch or restart the app.
// Describe the table in the app's front screen.
// Select the 15th item in the table to open a screen with a button.
app.describe(Table.class, new TableDescription.Builder().className("Table").resourceId("list").build()).select(14); // Index is 0-based.
// Describe a button in the application.
Button button = app.describe(Button.class, new ButtonDescription.Builder()
.text("Tap Me").build());
// Tap the button to change the text in an EditField to "You Tapped Me".
// Describe the EditField.
EditField editField = app.describe(EditField.class, new EditFieldDescription.Builder()
// Verify the text.
Verify.areEqual("You Tapped Me", editField.getText(), "MobileButtonTest - Verify Buttons's Text", "Verify the button contains the text 'You Tapped Me'.");
device.unlock(); // unlock the device at the end of the test
Perform a search in a WebView
This example demonstrates use of a WebView using Mobile and Web technologies by accessing the Google search page in a WebView and performing a search.
public void webViewTest() throws Exception {
// Lock device by its name.
Device device = MobileLab.lockDeviceByName("MyDevice");
// Describe the AUT.
Application app = device.describe(Application.class, new ApplicationDescription.Builder()
// Launch or restart the app.
// Describe the Table on the front screen.
// Select the 17th item in the table to open a screen with a WebView of
app.describe(Table.class, new TableDescription.Builder().className("Table").resourceId("list").build()).select(16); // Index is 0-based.
// Describe the page in the WebView.
com.hp.lft.sdk.web.Page webViewPage = app.describe(WebView.class, new WebViewDescription.Builder()
.describe(com.hp.lft.sdk.web.Page.class, new com.hp.lft.sdk.web.PageDescription());
// Describe the Web EditField of the Google search.
com.hp.lft.sdk.web.EditField searchEditField = webViewPage.describe(com.hp.lft.sdk.web.EditField.class,
new com.hp.lft.sdk.web.EditFieldDescription.Builder().type("search").tagName("INPUT").name("q").build());
// Enter some text in the edit field.
searchEditField.setValue("Some Text");
// Describe the search Web button.
com.hp.lft.sdk.web.Button searchGoButton = webViewPage.describe(com.hp.lft.sdk.web.Button.class,
new com.hp.lft.sdk.web.ButtonDescription.Builder().buttonType("submit").tagName("BUTTON").name("btnG").build());
// Click the button to perform the search.;
Iterate through connected devices
This example show how to iterate through all the mobile devices using the getDeviceList method
If a device named "MyDevice" is found, the sample locks it, and then unlocks it.
public void mobileDevicesListTest() throws Exception {
// Iterate through all the mobile devices using the getDeviceList method
for (DeviceInfo deviceInfo : MobileLab.getDeviceList()) {
System.out.printf("The device ID is: %s, and its name is: %s", deviceInfo.getId(), deviceInfo.getName());
if (deviceInfo.getName().equals("MyDevice")){
Device device = MobileLab.lockDeviceByInfo(deviceInfo);
// Do some stuff here
// .
// .
// .
// And finally release this device's lock
Lock and automatically unlock a device at the end of a session
This example locks a device by choosing a device with the Android OS, version later than 4.4.0.
It then taps a button on an AUT and verifies that the required string is displayed in an edit field.
It then unlocks the device at the end of the session.
public void mobileDeviceCapabilitiesTest() throws Exception {
// Lock device by its name.
Device device = MobileLab.lockDevice(new DeviceDescription.Builder().
// Describe the AUT.
Application app = device.describe(Application.class, new ApplicationDescription.Builder()
// Launch or restart the app.
// Describe the table in the app's front screen.
// Select the 15th item in the table to open a screen with a button.
app.describe(Table.class, new TableDescription.Builder().className("Table").resourceId("list").build()).select(14); // Index is 0-based.
// Describe a button in the application.
Button button = app.describe(Button.class, new ButtonDescription.Builder()
.text("Tap Me").build());
// Tap the button to change the text in an EditField to "You Tapped Me".
// Describe the EditField.
EditField editField = app.describe(EditField.class, new EditFieldDescription.Builder()
// Verify the text.
Verify.areEqual("You Tapped Me", editField.getText(), "MobileButtonTest - Verify Buttons's Text", "Verify the button contains the text 'You Tapped Me'.");
device.unlock(); // unlock the device at the end of the test
Collect accumulated device vitals data
This example retrieves the CPU and free memory data of a device, accumulated while it was locked.
public void mobileDeviceVitalsTest() throws Exception {
DeviceSessionOptions sessionOptions = new DeviceSessionOptions().setCollectVitals(new DeviceVitalsCollectOptions()
// Lock device by its name.
Device device = MobileLab.lockDevice(new DeviceDescription.Builder().
id("5e9d9a9a17f131aa4389c92ef986fcef9481112f").build(), sessionOptions);
// ... do something
// get the collected vitals
String vitals = device.getVitals();
// process vitals
String[] vitalLines = vitals.split("\n\r");
for (String vitalLine : vitalLines){
String[] vitalLineParts = vitalLine.split(" ");
System.console().writer().println("at: " + vitalLineParts[2] + ": " + vitalLineParts[0] + " = " + vitalLineParts[1]);
Tap on public devices
This example locks a public iOS device to tap on a button and a public Android device to tap on a label:
public void testPublicDevices() throws GeneralLeanFtException {
DeviceInfo[] deviceInfos = MobileLab.getDeviceList();
for (DeviceInfo i : deviceInfos) {
if (Objects.equals(i.getFleetType(), "PUBLIC")) {
public void testLockDevice() throws GeneralLeanFtException {
Device device = MobileLab.lockDevice(new DeviceDescription.Builder().name("iPhone").source("HOSTED").fleetType("PUBLIC").location("SHANGHAI").build());
Button settingsButton = device.describe(Application.class, new ApplicationDescription.Builder()
.describe(Button.class, new ButtonDescription.Builder()
public void testLockAndroidPublicDevice() throws GeneralLeanFtException {
Device device = MobileLab.lockDevice(new DeviceDescription.Builder().osType("ANDROID").source("HOSTED").fleetType("PUBLIC").location("SHANGHAI").build());
Label photosLabel = device.describe(Application.class, new ApplicationDescription.Builder()
.describe(Label.class, new LabelDescription.Builder()
Camera simulation
This section includes two examples:
- Image upload
- Video upload
package com.example.demo;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.hp.lft.sdk.*;
import com.hp.lft.verifications.*;
import unittesting.*;
public class LeanFTMobileCameraSimulationExamples extends UnitTestClassBase {
public LeanFTMobileCameraSimulationExamples() {
//Change this constructor to private if you supply your own public constructor
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
instance = new LeanFTMobileCameraSimulationExamples();
public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void mobileCameraSimulationExampleTestWithImageUpload() throws GeneralLeanFtException {
// First - lock the device you want to use
Device device = MobileLab.lockDeviceById("MyDeviceId");
// Next, we upload a media file to the device
BufferedImage img = null;
img = File("C:\\Temp\\abcde.png"));
} catch (IOException e) {
// Do the necessary error handling here // .
// .
// .
String mediaId = "abcde.png";
ImageFormat imageFormat = ImageFormat.PNG;
device.uploadMedia((RenderedImage)img, imageFormat, mediaId);
// Launch the application to use
Application app = device.describe(Application.class,
new ApplicationDescription.Builder().identifier("com.sample.UICatalog").version("2.0").packaged(true).build());
// Start the camera simulation mode
// Now if the application under test shows an image from the camera, it should show the image we uploaded. // .
// . Add testing steps
// .
// Stop the camera simulation mode
// Stop the application
// Add cleanup steps if required
public void mobileCameraSimulationExampleTestWithVideoUpload() throws GeneralLeanFtException, IOException {
// First - lock the device you want to use
Device device = MobileLab.lockDeviceById("MyDeviceId");
// Next, upload a media file to the device
String mediaId = "android22.mp4";
VideoData vd = new VideoData("C:\\Temp\\android22.mp4");
device.uploadMedia(vd, mediaId);
// Launch the application to use
Application app = device.describe(Application.class,
new ApplicationDescription.Builder().identifier("com.sample.UICatalog").version("2.0").packaged(true).build());
// Start the camera simulation mode
// Now if the application under test shows a video from the camera, it should show the video we uploaded. // .
// . Add steps to the test
// .
// Stop the camera simulation mode
// Stop the application
// Add cleanup steps if required
Simulate fingerprint authentication
This example shows how to simulate fingerprint authentication.
public void mobileSimulateAuthenticationExampleTest() throws Exception {
// Lock device by its name.
Device device = MobileLab.lockDeviceByName("MyDevice");
// Describe the fingerprint authentication dialog AUT
Application fingerprintDialog = device.describe(Application.class, new ApplicationDescription.Builder()
// Launch or restart the app.
// This sample AUT has a purchase button which pops up an authentication dialog, describe
// this button in the application.
Button purchase = fingerprintDialog.describe(Button.class, new ButtonDescription.Builder()
// Tap the button to change the text in an EditField to "You Tapped Me".
// Simulate a successful authentication
// The above authentication simulation can also simulate a failure of the authentication. Each of the following ones can be used:
// Each of the next lines shows a simulation of authentication failure, with different reasons. For additional information please refer to the documentation
// fingerprintDialog.simulateAuthentication().fail(SimulateAuthFailReason.LOCKOUT);
// fingerprintDialog.simulateAuthentication().fail(SimulateAuthFailReason.NOT_RECOGNIZED);
// fingerprintDialog.simulateAuthentication().fail(SimulateAuthFailReason.NOT_REGISTERED);
// fingerprintDialog.simulateAuthentication().fail(SimulateAuthFailReason.FINGERPRINT_INCOMPLETE);
// fingerprintDialog.simulateAuthentication().fail(SimulateAuthFailReason.SENSOR_DIRTY);
// fingerprintDialog.simulateAuthentication().cancel(SimulateAuthCancelOrigin.USER);
// fingerprintDialog.simulateAuthentication().cancel(SimulateAuthCancelOrigin.SYSTEM);
Simulate barcode or QR code authentication
This example shows how to simulate barcode or QR code authentication.
HTML generated using @Test
public void mobileSimulateQRBarcodeScanExampleTest() throws Exception {
// Lock device by its name.
Device device = MobileLab.lockDeviceByName("MyDevice");
// Describe the AUT
Application qrBarcodeApp = device.describe(Application.class, new ApplicationDescription.Builder()
// Upload the barcode or QR code image
String mediaId = "QRBarcodeImage1";
BufferedImage barcodeImage = null;
try {
barcodeImage = File("QRBarcodeImage.jpg"));
} catch (IOException e) {
// Do some error handling here if the image load fails.
device.uploadMedia(barcodeImage, ImageFormat.JPG, mediaId);
// Launch or restart the app.
// Simulate the barcode scan
Service Virtualization integration
This example uses a Service Virtualization scenario to simulate a date change in a weather application.
// Lock a device and enable Service Virtualization for this session.
public void test() throws GeneralLeanFtException, IOException {
Device device = MobileLab.lockDevice(new DeviceDescription.Builder().id("ZX1G22BL6L").build(), new DeviceSessionOptions().setDeviceSource(DeviceSource.MOBILE_CENTER).setEnableServiceVirtualization(true));
File serviceFile = new File( "C:\\AutomationSuite\\AllMethods\\sv\\svservicefile\\sv-lab-weather.json");
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(serviceFile);
byte[] data = new byte[(int) serviceFile.length()];;
String str = new String(data, "UTF-8");
// Upload the Service Virtualization service and scenario.
String serviceId = device.svUploadService(str);
String scenarioId = device.svUploadScenario(serviceId, "C:\\AutomationSuite\\AllMethods\\sv\\svscenariofiles");
Application forecastieApplication = device.describe(Application.class, new ApplicationDescription.Builder()
// at this point if you click the refresh icon in the AUT you should get an error
// at this point if you click the refresh icon in the AUT you should get some info from SV (date should be updated)
// at this point if you click the refresh icon in the AUT you should get an error again