
Enum AccessibleState

Supported in UFT Developer version 24.2 and later

UIA Pro is supported as a technical preview.

    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constant and Description
      Indicates important information to be immediately conveyed to the user.
      Indicates low-priority information that is not important to the user.
      Indicates important information that is not conveyed immediately to the user.
      The object's appearance changes rapidly or constantly.
      The control cannot accept input at this time.
      The object's check box is selected.
      The object's children that have the AccessibleRole.OutlineItem role are hidden.
      This state represents the default button in a window.
      The object's children that have the AccessibleRole.OutlineItem role are displayed.
      Indicates that an object extends its selection by using SelectOptions.ExtendSelection in the IAccessible::accSelect method.
      The object is not clipped to the boundary of its parent object, and it does not move automatically when the parent moves.
      The object is on the active window and is ready to receive keyboard focus.
      The object has the keyboard focus.
      The object is hot-tracked by the mouse, which means that the object's appearance has changed to indicate that the mouse pointer is located over it.
      The object is programmatically hidden.
      Indicates that the object is formatted as a hyperlink.
      Indicates scrolling or moving text or graphics.
      Indicates that the state of a three-state check box or toolbar button is not determined.
      Indicates that the object can be moved.
      Indicates that the object accepts multiple selected items; that is, SelectOptions.AddSelection for the IAccessible::accSelect method is valid.
      The object is clipped or has scrolled out of view, but it is not programmatically hidden.
      The object is pressed.
      The object is a password-protected edit control.
      The object is designated read-only.
      The object accepts selection.
      The object is selected.
      The object or child uses text-to-speech (TTS) technology for description purposes.
      The object can be resized.
      The object is a hyperlink that has been visited (previously clicked) by a user.
      The object is unavailable.
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • Unavailable

        public static final AccessibleState Unavailable
        The object is unavailable.
      • Selected

        public static final AccessibleState Selected
        The object is selected.
      • Focused

        public static final AccessibleState Focused
        The object has the keyboard focus. Do not confuse object focus with object selection. For more information, see Selection and Focus Properties and Methods. For objects with this object state, send the EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW or EVENT_OBJECT_HIDE WinEvents to notify client applications about state changes. Do not use EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE.
      • Checked

        public static final AccessibleState Checked
        The object's check box is selected.
      • Mixed

        public static final AccessibleState Mixed
        Indicates that the state of a three-state check box or toolbar button is not determined. The checkbox is neither selected nor cleared and is therefore in the third or mixed state.
      • ReadOnly

        public static final AccessibleState ReadOnly
        The object is designated read-only.
      • HotTracked

        public static final AccessibleState HotTracked
        The object is hot-tracked by the mouse, which means that the object's appearance has changed to indicate that the mouse pointer is located over it.
      • Default

        public static final AccessibleState Default
        This state represents the default button in a window.
      • Expanded

        public static final AccessibleState Expanded
        The object's children that have the AccessibleRole.OutlineItem role are displayed.
      • Collapsed

        public static final AccessibleState Collapsed
        The object's children that have the AccessibleRole.OutlineItem role are hidden.
      • Busy

        public static final AccessibleState Busy
        The control cannot accept input at this time.
      • Floating

        public static final AccessibleState Floating
        The object is not clipped to the boundary of its parent object, and it does not move automatically when the parent moves.
      • Marqueed

        public static final AccessibleState Marqueed
        Indicates scrolling or moving text or graphics.
      • Animated

        public static final AccessibleState Animated
        The object's appearance changes rapidly or constantly. Graphics that are animated occasionally are described as AccessibleRole.Graphic with the State property set to Animated. This state is used to indicate that the object's location is changing.
      • Invisible

        public static final AccessibleState Invisible
        The object is programmatically hidden. For example, menu items are programmatically hidden until a user activates the menu. Because objects with this state are not available to users, client applications must not communicate information about the object to users. However, if client applications find an object with this state, they should check whether OffScreen is also set. If this second state is defined, clients can communicate the information about the object to users. For example, a list box can have both Invisible and OffScreen set. In this case, the client application can communicate all items in the list to users. If a client application is navigating through an IAccessible tree and encounters a parent object that is invisible, Microsoft Active Accessibility will not expose information about any possible children of the parent as long as the parent is invisible.
      • OffScreen

        public static final AccessibleState OffScreen
        The object is clipped or has scrolled out of view, but it is not programmatically hidden. If the user makes the viewport larger, more of the object will be visible on the computer screen.
      • Sizeable

        public static final AccessibleState Sizeable
        The object can be resized. For example, a user could change the size of a window by dragging it by the border.
      • Moveable

        public static final AccessibleState Moveable
        Indicates that the object can be moved. For example, a user can click the object's title bar and drag the object to a new location.
      • SelfVoicing

        public static final AccessibleState SelfVoicing
        The object or child uses text-to-speech (TTS) technology for description purposes. When an object with this state has the focus, a speech-based accessibility aid does not announce information because the object automatically announces it.
      • Focusable

        public static final AccessibleState Focusable
        The object is on the active window and is ready to receive keyboard focus.
      • Selectable

        public static final AccessibleState Selectable
        The object accepts selection.
      • Linked

        public static final AccessibleState Linked
        Indicates that the object is formatted as a hyperlink. The object's role will usually be AccessibleRole.Text .
      • Traversed

        public static final AccessibleState Traversed
        The object is a hyperlink that has been visited (previously clicked) by a user.
      • MultiSelectable

        public static final AccessibleState MultiSelectable
        Indicates that the object accepts multiple selected items; that is, SelectOptions.AddSelection for the IAccessible::accSelect method is valid.
      • ExtendSelectable

        public static final AccessibleState ExtendSelectable
        Indicates that an object extends its selection by using SelectOptions.ExtendSelection in the IAccessible::accSelect method.
      • AlertLow

        public static final AccessibleState AlertLow
        Indicates low-priority information that is not important to the user. This state is used, for example, when Word changes the appearance of the TipWizard button on its toolbar to indicate that it has a hint for the user.
      • AlertMedium

        public static final AccessibleState AlertMedium
        Indicates important information that is not conveyed immediately to the user. For example, when a battery is starting to reach a low level, a level indicator generates a medium-level alert. A blind access tool then generates a sound to let the user know that important information is available, without actually interrupting the user's work. The user could then query the alert information when convenient.
      • AlertHigh

        public static final AccessibleState AlertHigh
        Indicates important information to be immediately conveyed to the user. For example, when a battery reaches a critically low level, a level indicator generates a high-level alert. As a result, a blind access tool immediately announces this information to the user, and a screen magnification program scrolls the screen so that the battery indicator is in view. This state is also appropriate for any prompt or operation that must be completed before the user can continue.
      • Protected

        public static final AccessibleState Protected
        The object is a password-protected edit control.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static AccessibleState[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (AccessibleState c : AccessibleState.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static AccessibleState valueOf(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getValue

        public Integer getValue()
        Returns the integer value representing the AccessibleState value.
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface com.hp.lft.sdk.internal.EnumValueProvider<Integer>
        the integer value representing the AccessibleState value.