IUiObjectBase Interface
Base interface for all UiObjects in all technologies.

C# Syntax

The UiObjects are the test objects used to identify objects in a technology that do not have a more specific relevant type.
Public Properties
PropertyAbsoluteLocationThis object's coordinates relative to the screen (in pixels). 0,0 is the top-left corner of the (primary) monitor. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ILocationInfoProvider)
PropertyHandleThe hWnd of this object's window.  
PropertyIsEnabledIndicates whether this object is enabled. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.IEnabledProvider)
PropertyIsFocusedIndicates whether this object is currently in focus.  
PropertyIsVisibleIndicates whether this object is currently visible.  (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.IVisibleProvider)
PropertyLocationThis object's coordinates relative to the parent window in pixels. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ILocationInfoProvider)
PropertyNativeClassThis object's window class name.  
PropertySizeThis object's size in pixels. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ILocationInfoProvider)
PropertyWindowTitleRegExpThe constant part of this window title.  
Public Methods
MethodClickClicks on this object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.IClickable)
MethodDoubleClickDouble-clicks on this object using the specified MouseButton. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.IDoubleClickable)
MethodDragAndDropOnDrags and drops a test object to the specified target object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ISupportDragAndDrop)
MethodMouseMoveMoves the mouse pointer to the specified position inside this object.  
MethodSendKeysTypes the specified string into the object in the application, including special keys or key modifiers. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ISupportSendKeys)