What's New in UFT Developer 24.2

This topic describes the new features and enhancements available in UFT Developer 24.2.

Note: This Help Center includes documentation relevant for UFT Developer versions 2021 through 24.2. Any version-specific changes are indicated where relevant.

See also What's New in UFT Developer - earlier versions.

In this topic:

AI-based testing enhancements

You can now describe a control using an image. To support a control that is not recognized using AI Object Detection, provide an image file as a class description. For details, see Describe a control using an image.

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UIA Pro testing enhancements

This version includes the following UIA Pro enhancements: 

Enhancement Description
Application Models

Application models can work with UIA Pro objects in all supported IDEs (previously only in Visual Studio).

See Application models.

Java SDK

You can use UIA Pro test objects in Java tests, in addition to the previously supported JavaScript and C# tests.

See the Java SDK Reference.

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Object Identification Center enhancements

You can now spy on images without clicking them. Select Hover Mode in the OIC and capture objects by hovering over them. For details, see Spy objects in your application and OIC settings.

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Mobile testing enhancements

This version includes the following mobile testing enhancements: 

Enhancement Description

Test apps on cloud devices from additional sources

Using Digital Lab, you can now test mobile apps on cloud devices from additional sources:

  • You can test apps running on OpenText private or public cloud-hosted devices

  • You can test apps running on devices provided by Genymotion or WeTest

  • You can specify the geographic location from which to select the device for your test

See Select the device and application.

Use pan gestures at the device level

The mobile Device test object now supports the Pan method. This enables you to automate pan operations at a specified velocity, from a start point to an end point. Device.Pan is supported on both Android and iOS devices. See the Java, JavaScript, and .NET SDK References.

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Docker updates

The UFT Developer Docker images are now based on the Ubuntu operating system. This is a more secure environment than earlier Docker images.

See Run tests in Docker containers.

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Installation updates

This version includes the following updates:

Update Description
Node.js update

The minimum version for the Node.js prerequisite is now Node.js 18.19.0.

In addition, UFT Developer now supports working with Node.js 21.x.

For a list of Node.js versions supported for UFT Developer, see the Support Matrix.

.NET Desktop Runtime update

The UFT Developer installation now requires .NET 8 Desktop Runtime (32-bit and 64-bit, if installing on a 64-bit machine). If it is not installed in advance, the installation process can install it for you.

UFT OCR Expansion Pack update

The UFT OCR Expansion Pack includes a newer version of the ABBYY OCR version. Therefore, if you install UFT Developer from the UFT One DVD Core installation and you need the ABBYY OCR as well, make sure you install version 24.2 of the UFT OCR Expansion Pack.

Note: This ABBYY OCR update may affect the results of the GetTextLocation or GetVisibleText methods in tests written with previous versions of UFT Developer.

OpenText rebranding continues, file locations updated

The UFT Developer configuration files are now stored in OpenText folders.

The first time you run UFT Developer 24.2, any UFT Developer files under %AppData% or %ProgramData% Micro Focus folders are automatically migrated to OpenText folders. For details, see UFT Developer configuration files location.

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UFT Developer for Selenium SDK updates

New versions of the UFT Developer for Selenium SDKs are now publicly available. These new versions have been certified for working with Selenium versions 4.9 and 4.17. See UFT Developer for Selenium.

If you are working with the Java SDK, make sure to update the Selenium and SDK version numbers in your pom.xml file. For details, see Create a Java 'UFT Developer for Selenium' project.

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Supported technology versions

The list of supported technologies, frameworks, browsers, and versions continues to expand. This version includes the following additional support: 

Operating system versions

Operating system Versions

Ventura (Version 13)

Note: If the IDE plugins are not installed automatically as part of the UFT Developer installation, install them manually. See Install the IDE plugins on MacOS Ventura.

Ubuntu 23.10
Windows 11 23H2

Technology versions

Technology Versions

Oracle JDK 21

OpenJDK 21

Zulu OpenJDK 21

Rumba+ Desktop 10.2

Browser versions

Browser Versions
Chrome 118-123
Edge 118-123
Firefox 118-124
Safari 16

IDE versions

IDE Versions
Eclipse 2021-12, 2023-12, 2024-03
IntelliJ IDEA 23.3

Impending discontinued versions

The following technologies and versions will be discontinued in the next UFT Developer release: 

  • .NET 5. Microsoft no longer supports .NET 5. Therefore, in the next version of UFT Developer will cease maintenance for developing UFT Developer testing projects using .NET 5.

  • .NET Framework. UFT Developer will no longer support .NET Framework 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7.

Discontinued versions

The following technologies and versions are no longer supported by their manufacturers. Therefore, UFT Developer no longer supports working with these:

  • IDEs:

    Eclipse 2020.x

    IntelliJ 2020.x

    Visual Studio 2013 and 2015

  • Legacy Edge browser

    Note: Tests previously configured to run on Legacy Edge will run on the Chromium-based Edge browser, which will be referred to going forward simply as the Edge browser.

  • Node.js 16

For more details, see the Support Matrix.

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See also: