Installation guide

This section includes instructions for installing UFT Developer 2021 on the different supported environments, as well as post-installation and uninstall procedures.

This guide covers UFT Developer versions 2021 through 24.2. Any version-specific changes are indicated where relevant.

In this topic:


System requirements

Ensure that your computer meets all system requirements listed in the UFT Developer Support Matrix.

Required permissions

Ensure that you have the required permissions on the computer. See Required permissions.

Before installing UFT Developer

Perform all of the following:

  • Install a supported version of Node.js (for supported versions, see the Support Matrix)

    If Node.js is not installed, you are prompted to stop the installation, install Node.js, and then start the installation again.

    To verify that Node.js is installed on the UFT Developer machine, run the following command with the same user used for the installation:

    node -–version

    This command returns the Node.js version installed on the machine.

    (Windows only) If the command fails to return a version number, make sure that node.exe is defined in the PATH environment variable.

    If Node.js is not found during a silent installation, the silent installation fails.

  • (Linux only) Make sure that the libgconf-2-4 package is installed.

    This package is not required for the UFT Developer installation to succeed, but must be installed to run the UFT Developer engine, Object Identification Center, and Test Recorder.

  • Secure installation:

    UFT Developer can potentially be used to record network communications. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you run UFT Developer on dedicated test machines that do NOT contain or provide access to sensitive information. In addition, you should thoroughly review your lab network topology and access permissions before using UFT Developer.

    For more details on using UFT Developer in a secure manner, review the UFT Developer Security Reference.


If you intend to use UFT Developer from within your IDEs (UFT Developer plugin), make sure your IDEs are already installed.

The UFT Developer plugin is currently available for Visual Studio (Windows only), Eclipse, Spring Tool Suite, JBoss Developer Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, and Android Studio.

Visual Studio 2022

The plugin for Visual Studio 2022 is not included in the UFT One 2023 installation packages. For details on adding this plugin for UFT Developer if you installed from a UFT One 2023 installation package, see Visual Studio 2022.

Eclipse Kepler/Luna users:

To use the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers or Eclipse Standard editions with the UFT Developer plugin, you must deploy the Google Gson plugin to your Eclipse folder:

  1. Download the Google Gson plugin, version 2.1 or later, from the MVN Repository.

  2. Copy the downloaded .jar file to your <Eclipse deployment>\plugins folder and reopen Eclipse.

For more details, see the UFT Developer Support Matrix.

AI-based testing

To use UFT Developer's AI capabilities, make sure you have the following installed before you install UFT Developer:

  • A 64-bit operating system, Windows 8 or later.

  • The required Windows feature, depending on your Windows operating system:

    For the most up-to-date instructions on enabling Windows features, see the Microsoft documentation.

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Enterprise deployment

When installing UFT Developer in an enterprise business model across many computers in a network or company, note the following:

Administrative permissions
  • Windows: Make sure you have administrator permissions on each of the computers on which you are installing UFT Developer.
  • Linux/Mac: Make sure you have ROOT permissions on each of the computers on which you are installing UFT Developer.
  • Make sure you have access to the necessary folders, files, and registry keys. For details, see Required permissions.
User Account Control (UAC) (Windows only)

You can install UFT Developer with User Account Control (UAC) turned on or off.

Silent installation

(Windows and Linux only)

You can install UFT Developer silently, including prerequisite software if needed, on a local or remote computer. For details, see:

Windows: Silent installation

Linux: Silent installation

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Required permissions

Make sure the required permissions are defined on your UFT Developer computer.

Note: Read/write permissions to these folders must also enable permission to any subfolders.

If not, the system administrator must grant administrative permissions to the subfolders contained in these folders.

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Help improve UFT Developer

You can help us improve the quality, reliability, and performance of UFT Developer by participating in the UFT Developer improvement program. The data you provide helps us understand which improvements matter most.

When you join the program, UFT Developer collects anonymous information about your software and hardware configuration, and about how you use UFT Developer.

UFT Developer does not collect the following:

  • Your name, address, or any other personally identifiable information

  • Specific information about your environment, servers, or applications

  • The code from any of your scripts

Note: Participating in this program does not degrade the performance of your software, and does not add you to contact lists for any sales offers.

How do I join or leave the program?

During installation

  • If you use the installation wizard, select or clear this check box on the license agreement screen: Participate in the UFT Developer improvement program.

  • If you install silently on Windows or Linux machines, you can opt out of this program by using the relevant command option. See the silent installation details in Install UFT Developer for Windows or Install UFT Developer for Linux.

After installation

You can also join or leave the improvement program from within UFT Developer.

In the runtime engine settings, select or clear the option: I want to help! Collect anonymous feature usage data. For details, see Customize UFT Developer runtime engine settings or Configure the grid's runtime engine settings.

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See also: