Test object description examples
The examples below show some simple test code with programmatic descriptions for Web and Windows objects.

This example initializes testBrowser as a Chrome browser and navigates to an imaginary Sample web site that sells computer equipment.
It then creates a keyboardLink test object that will be recognized within the launched testBrowser.
IBrowser testBrowser = BrowserFactory.Launch(BrowserType.Chrome);
var keyboardLink = testBrowser.Describe<ILink>(new LinkDescription { TagName = "A", InnerText = "Computer Keyboards" });

This example creates the calcApp Window test object.
Inside the calcApp hierarchy, it creates a Button test object to represent the number 1 button in the calculator, and a Static test object to represent the main calculator display box.
var calcApp =Desktop .Describe<IWindow>(newWindowDescription { WindowClassRegExp = "CalcFrame", WindowTitleRegExp = "Calculator" });var calcButton1 = calcApp.Describe<IButton >(newButtonDescription { WindowId = 131, NativeClass = "Button" });var calcDisplay = calcApp.Describe<IStatic >(newStaticDescription { WindowId = 150, NativeClass = "Static" });

This example initializes Browser as a Chrome browser and navigates to the AdvantageDEMO web site.
It then creates a link test object to represent the Speakers link on the web page.
Browser browser = BrowserFactory.launch(BrowserType.CHROME); browser.navigate("http://advantageonlineshopping.com/#/"); browser.describe(Link.class, new LinkDescription.Builder() .innerText("SPEAKERS Shop Now ").tagName("DIV").build());

This example creates the notepadWindow test object.
Inside the notepadWindow hierarchy, it creates a Menu test object to represent the main NotePad menu.
Inside the notepadMenu hierarchy, it uses the buildMenuPath method to create a test object for the Format > Font sub-menu command and to perform the select operation on that object.
Finally, it creates a notepadFontDialog object as a child of the main notepadWindow and the fontsComboBox object as a child of the dialog box.
Window notepadWindow = Desktop.describe(Window.class, new WindowDescription.Builder().windowClassRegExp("Notepad").windowTitleRegExp(" Notepad").build()); Menu notepadMenu = notepadWindow.describe(Menu.class, new MenuDescription(MenuType.MENU)); // Build the "Format"-->"Font" menu item
String path = notepadMenu.buildMenuPath("Format", 2); // Open the "Font" dialog by selecting "Format"-->"Font" in the menu MenuItem menuItem = notepadMenu.getItem(path);
Dialog notepadFontDialog = notepadWindow.describe(Dialog.class, new DialogDescription.Builder().windowTitleRegExp("Font").build()); ComboBox fontsComboBox = notepadFontDialog.describe(ComboBox.class, new ComboBoxDescription.Builder().attachedText("&Font:").nativeClass("ComboBox").build());

This example navigates to a Web site in an already initialized and launched browser.
It creates the list object as a Web list box child object. After selecting an additional item in the list, it verifies information about the state of the list. Then it deselects the item and again verifies the new state of the list.
browser.navigate("http://mySite.com"); var list = browser.$(new Web.ListBox({ name: "what-to-wear" })); list.select("Cape", 4); list.selectedItems() .then(function (items) { expect.equal(items.length, 2); expect.strictEqual(items[0], "Socks"); expect.strictEqual(items[1], "Cape"); }); list.deselect(4, "Cape"); list.selectedItems() .then(function (items) { expect.equal(items.length, 1); })
See also: