AI-based testing code samples (Java SDK)

Create a shopping account

This example shows how to create an account on the Advantage Online Shopping web site:

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import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.hp.lft.sdk.*;
import com.hp.lft.sdk.web.*;
import com.hp.lft.verifications.*;

import unittesting.*;


    public void testCreateAccount() throws GeneralLeanFtException, InterruptedException {
        // Open browser, navigate to website and wait for it to finish loading
        Browser browser = BrowserFactory.launch(BrowserType.CHROME);
        Thread.sleep(10000); // necessary if the website UI loads slowly

        // Open sign in form and navigate to account creation form
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.PROFILE)).click();
        Thread.sleep(10000); // necessary if the website UI loads slowly
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.TEXT_BLOCK, "CREATE NEW ACCOUNT")).click();

        // Enter account details in account creation form
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.INPUT, "ACCOUNT DETAILS")).sendKeys("TestUsername");
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.INPUT, "Email")).sendKeys("");
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.INPUT, "Password")).sendSecureKeys("TestPass!2");
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.INPUT, "Confirm password")).sendSecureKeys("TestPass!2");

        // Enable scrolling down so AI can find remaining test objects that are not currently visible
        AiRunSettings.updateAutoScrollSettings((new AiAutoScrollSettings()).enable(ScrollDirection.DOWN, 10));

        // Accept terms and finish creating account
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.CHECK_BOX, "agree ti LN")).setState(;
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.BUTTON, "REGISTER")).click();

        // Search for an item after logging in to the account you created
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.SEARCH)).search("phone");

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Place an order and make sure it is registered

This examples shows how to log in to the shopping site, place an order and make sure it is registered:

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    public void testSignInAndOrder() throws GeneralLeanFtException, ReportException, InterruptedException {
        // Open browser, navigate to website and wait for it to finish loading
        Browser browser = BrowserFactory.launch(BrowserType.CHROME);
        Thread.sleep(10000); // the amount of time can be changed

        // Open sign in form and wait for it to load
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.PROFILE)).click();
        Thread.sleep(10000); // the amount of time can be changed

        // Enter credentials and sign in
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription.Builder()
                .locator(new Position(Direction.FROM_TOP, 0)).build()).sendKeys("TestUsername");
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.INPUT, "Password")).sendSecureKeys("TestPass!2");
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.BUTTON, "SIGN IN")).click();

        // Navigate to product page

        // Add item to cart
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription.Builder()
                .locator(new Position(Direction.FROM_TOP, 0)).build()).click();
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.BUTTON, "ADD TO CART")).click();

        // Navigate to shopping cart
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.SHOPPING_CART)).click();

        // Initiate checkout
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription.Builder()
                .text("CHECKOUT ($539.98)")
                .locator(new Position(Direction.FROM_BOTTOM, 0)).build()).click();
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.BUTTON, "NEXT")).click();

        // Enter details
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.INPUT, "SafePay username")).sendKeys("SafePayUser");
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.INPUT, "SafePay password")).sendSecureKeys("SafePayPass2");

        // Enable scrolling down so AI can find remaining test objects that are not currently visible
        AiRunSettings.updateAutoScrollSettings((new AiAutoScrollSettings()).enable(ScrollDirection.DOWN, 10));

        // Finish order
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.BUTTON, "PAY NOW")).click();

        // Verify order registered"Verify property: exists",;
        Verify.isTrue(browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.TEXT_BLOCK, "Thank you for buying with Advantage")).exists(), "Verification", "Verify property: exists");;


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Configure AI run settings for scrolling and language recognition

This example shows how to customize automatic scrolling and OCR languages for AI identification:

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    public void testAIRunSettings() throws GeneralLeanFtException, ReportException {
        // Open browser and navigate to website
        Browser browser = BrowserFactory.launch(BrowserType.CHROME);

        // Jump to link in lower part of page
        Link completeListLink = browser.describe(Link.class, new LinkDescription.Builder()
                .innerText("Complete list").build());

        // Configure autoscroll settings to enable scrolling up
        AiRunSettings.updateAutoScrollSettings((new AiAutoScrollSettings()).enable(ScrollDirection.UP, 10));

        // Configure OCR settings to enable detection for English, German, French, Hebrew and Traditional Chinese
        AiRunSettings.updateOCRSettings((new AiOCRSettings()).setLanguages(new String[]{"en", "de", "fr", "he", "zht"}));

        // Navigate to French Wikipedia section
        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.TEXT_BLOCK, "Français")).click();

        // Jump to text in lower part of page
        WebElement webElement = browser.describe(WebElement.class, new WebElementDescription.Builder()
                .innerText("Wikipédia est hébergée par la Wikimedia Foundation, de même que les projets suivants, coordonnés sur le site Méta-Wiki :").build());

        // Verify text block containing French text exists"Verify property: exists",;
        Verify.isTrue(browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(AiTypes.TEXT_BLOCK, "Wikipédia est hébergée par la Wikimedia Foundation, de même que les projets suivants, coordonnés sur le site Méta-Wiki :")).exists(), "Verification", "Verify property: exists");;


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Retrieve values of AI objects

This example shows how to retrieve the value of an input field:

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    public void test1() throws GeneralLeanFtException {

        Browser browser = BrowserFactory.launch(BrowserType.CHROME);

         AiObjectDescription description = new AiObjectDescription();


        description.setLocator(new Position(Direction.FROM_RIGHT, 0));

        AiObject object = browser.describe(AiObject.class, description);

        object.sendKeys("Hello world!");

        String value = object.getValue();

        System.out.println("Value: " + value);


This example shows how to retrieve the value of a button:

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    public void test2() throws GeneralLeanFtException {

        Browser browser = BrowserFactory.launch(BrowserType.CHROME);


        AiObjectDescription description = new AiObjectDescription();


        description.setLocator(new Position(Direction.FROM_RIGHT, 0));

        AiObject object = browser.describe(AiObject.class, description);;

        String value = object.getValue();

        System.out.println("Value1: " + value);


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Enter a text value in a text box

This example shows how to enter text in a text box:

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     public void testAI() throws GeneralLeanFtException {

        Browser browser = BrowserFactory.launch(BrowserType.CHROME);



        AiObject aiObject =    browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(;


        browser.describe(AiObject.class, new AiObjectDescription(, "2)")).setText("text");


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See also: