Class VerificationParameter

  • public class VerificationParameter
    extends ReportParameter
    Represents the parameter data used in the context of a custom verification step. This data is displayed to OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VerificationParameter

        public VerificationParameter(java.lang.Object parameterValue)
        Create a new instance of the VerificationParameter class
        parameterValue - The value of the verification parameter that will be displayed into OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report.
      • VerificationParameter

        public VerificationParameter(java.lang.String parameterName,
                                     java.lang.Object parameterValue)
        Create a new instance of the VerificationParameter class
        parameterName - The name of the verification parameter. If it is set, the parameter header displayed into OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report will use this value.
        parameterValue - The value of the verification parameter that will be displayed into OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report.