
Interface InsightObject

    • Method Detail

      • getVisibleText

        java.lang.String getVisibleText(java.awt.Rectangle textArea)
                                 throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Returns the visible text from the text area within the test object area.
        Specified by:
        getVisibleText in interface TestObject
        textArea - an inner rectangle within the test object area, to get the visible text from.
        all visible text within the supplied rectangle.
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.
      • clickSpecial

        void clickSpecial(MouseButton button)
                   throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Clicks the object, without first bringing its parent into focus.
        button - the mouse button to perform the click with.
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.
      • clickSpecial

        void clickSpecial(ClickArgs args)
                   throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Clicks the object, without first bringing its parent into focus.
        args - arguments that will be used during the click.
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.
      • longClick

        void longClick(Location location)
                throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Presses and holds the left mouse button for a default number of seconds.
        location - defines the location to place the pointer when pressing the mouse button.
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.
      • longClick

        void longClick(double duration,
                       Location location)
                throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Presses and holds the left mouse button for a default number of seconds.
        duration - the number of seconds to hold the left mouse button when long-clicking.
        location - defines the location to place the pointer when pressing the mouse button.
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.
      • longClick

        void longClick(double duration)
                throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Presses and holds the left mouse button for a default number of seconds.
        duration - the number of seconds to hold the left mouse button when long-clicking.
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.
      • setSecure

        void setSecure(java.lang.String encryptedText)
        			throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Sets the encoded value of this editable field object.
        Generate the encoded value using the Password Encoder utility (CryptonApp.exe), available from the UFT Developer menu in your IDE, or from the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers installation\bin folder.
        Note: While the SetSecure method enables you to hide passwords displayed on the screen while running or editing a test, it is not intended to be a secure way to protect password information.

        encryptedText - the encoded text.
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.