Interface Description Applet A Java Applet control.Button A Java button.Calendar A Java calendar.CheckBox A Java check box.Dialog A Java Dialog object.Editor A Java edit box.EventInfo A Java technology event info to be used by the fireEvent method.ExpandBar A Java control that contains labeled bar items that can be expanded or collapsed by the user.ExpandBarItem A single Java ExpandBar item in a Java ExpandBar.InternalFrame A Java InternalFrame object.Label A Java static text object.Link A Java control that displays text with links.List A Java list box with single or multiple selection.ListItem A single list item in a Java list.Menu A Java Menu.RadioButton A Java radio button.Slider A Java slider.SpinBox A Java spin box object.TabControl A Java tabstrip control containing tabbed panels.Table A Java table.TableBase The base interface for a Java Table.TableCell A single cell in a Java Table.TableRow A single row in a Java Table.TableRowBase The base interface for a single row in a Java Table.ToolBar A Java toolbar.ToolBarButton A tool bar button in a Java tool bar.TreeView A JavaTree.TreeViewBase The base interface for a Java Tree.TreeViewNode A single node in a Java Tree.TreeViewTable A JavaFX TreeView Table.TreeViewTableRow A single row in a JavaFX TreeView Table.UiObject A standard Java object.UiObjectBase Base interface of all Java test objects.Window Class Description AppletDescription The description of a Java Applet test object.AppletDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the AppletDescription class using the builder pattern.AppletDescription.Init<T extends AppletDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for AppletDescription.Builder.ButtonDescription The description of a Java Button test object.ButtonDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ButtonDescription class using the builder pattern.ButtonDescription.Init<T extends ButtonDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ButtonDescription.Builder.CalendarDescription The description of a Java Calendar test object.CalendarDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the CalendarDescription class using the builder pattern.CalendarDescription.Init<T extends CalendarDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for CalendarDescription.Builder.CheckBoxDescription The description of a Java CheckBox test object.CheckBoxDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the CheckBoxDescription class using the builder pattern.CheckBoxDescription.Init<T extends CheckBoxDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for CheckBoxDescription.Builder.DialogDescription The description of a Java Dialog test object.DialogDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the DialogDescription class using the builder pattern.DialogDescription.Init<T extends DialogDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for DialogDescription.Builder.EditorDescription The description of a Java Editor test object.EditorDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the EditorDescription class using the builder pattern.EditorDescription.Init<T extends EditorDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for EditorDescription.Builder.EventInfoFactory A factory for creating EventInfo to be passed to fireEvent methods.ExpandBarDescription The description of a Java ExpandBar test object.ExpandBarDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ExpandBarDescription class using the builder pattern.ExpandBarDescription.Init<T extends ExpandBarDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ExpandBarDescription.Builder.InternalFrameDescription The description of a Java InternalFrame test object.InternalFrameDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the InternalFrameDescription class using the builder pattern.InternalFrameDescription.Init<T extends InternalFrameDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for InternalFrameDescription.Builder.JavaEventInfo A Java technology event info to be used by fireEvent methods.KeyboardEventInfo A Java technology Keyboard event info to be used by fireEvent methods.LabelDescription The description of a Java Label test object.LabelDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the LabelDescription class using the builder pattern.LabelDescription.Init<T extends LabelDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for LabelDescription.Builder.LinkDescription The description of a Java Link test object.LinkDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the LinkDescription class using the builder pattern.LinkDescription.Init<T extends LinkDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for LinkDescription.Builder.ListDescription The description of a Java List test object.ListDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ListDescription class using the builder pattern.ListDescription.Init<T extends ListDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ListDescription.Builder.MenuDescription The description of a Java Menu test object.MenuDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the MenuDescription class using the builder pattern.MenuDescription.Init<T extends MenuDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for MenuDescription.Builder.MouseEventInfo A Java technology Mouse event info to be used by fireEvent methods.RadioButtonDescription The description of a Java RadioButton test object.RadioButtonDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the RadioButtonDescription class using the builder pattern.RadioButtonDescription.Init<T extends RadioButtonDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for RadioButtonDescription.Builder.SliderDescription The description of a Java Slider test object.SliderDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the SliderDescription class using the builder pattern.SliderDescription.Init<T extends SliderDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for SliderDescription.Builder.SpinBoxDescription The description of a Java SpinBox test object.SpinBoxDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the SpinBoxDescription class using the builder pattern.SpinBoxDescription.Init<T extends SpinBoxDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for SpinBoxDescription.Builder.TabControlDescription The description of a Java TabControl test object.TabControlDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the TabControlDescription class using the builder pattern.TabControlDescription.Init<T extends TabControlDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for TabControlDescription.Builder.TableDescription The description of a Java Table test object.TableDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the TableDescription class using the builder pattern.TableDescription.Init<T extends TableDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for TableDescription.Builder.ToolBarDescription The description of a Java ToolBar test object.ToolBarDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ToolBarDescription class using the builder pattern.ToolBarDescription.Init<T extends ToolBarDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ToolBarDescription.Builder.TreeViewDescription The description of a Java Tree test object.TreeViewDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the TreeViewDescription class using the builder pattern.TreeViewDescription.Init<T extends TreeViewDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for TreeViewDescription.Builder.TreeViewTableDescription The description of a JavaFX TreeView Table test object.TreeViewTableDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the TreeViewTableDescription class using the builder pattern.TreeViewTableDescription.Init<T extends TreeViewTableDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for TreeViewTableDescription.Builder.UiEventInfo A Java technology UI event info for fireEvent methods.UiObjectBaseDescription The base description of all Java test objects.UiObjectBaseDescription.Init<T extends UiObjectBaseDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for derived Builder classes.UiObjectDescription The description of a Java UiObject test object.UiObjectDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the UiObjectDescription class using the builder pattern.UiObjectDescription.Init<T extends UiObjectDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for UiObjectDescription.Builder.WindowDescription The description of a Java Window test object.WindowDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the WindowDescription class using the builder pattern.WindowDescription.Init<T extends WindowDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for WindowDescription.Builder.Enum Description CalendarStyle The style of a Java calendar.KeyboardEvent Constants for Keyboard events.MouseEvent Constants for Mouse events.SliderOrientation Represents the slider orientation.TableKeyModifier Represents keyboard keys that can be pressed and held down during the execution of a table method, such as the click method.UiEvent Constants for UI events.