Class UiObjectBaseDescription.Init<T extends UiObjectBaseDescription.Init<T>>

  • java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Summary

      ModifierConstructor and Description
      protected Init() 
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
      TaccessibilityId(java.lang.String accessibilityId)
      Initializes the accessibility ID of the mobile control.
      TaccessibilityId(StringProperty accessibilityId)
      Initializes the accessibility ID of the mobile control.
      TclassName(java.lang.String className)
      Initializes the test object class name used by Digital Lab.
      Tcontainer(java.lang.String container)
      Initializes containing table item information if object is in a table (iOS only).
      TmobileCenterIndex(java.lang.Integer mobileCenterIndex)
      Initializes the ordinal number assigned to the object to indicate the order in which the object appears on the device relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.
      TresourceId(java.lang.String resourceId)
      Initializes the resource ID of the control (Android only).
      TresourceId(StringProperty resourceId)
      Initializes the resource ID of the control (Android only).
      protected abstract Tself() 
      Tvri(java.util.List<VisualRelation> visualRelations)
      Initializes a VisualRelation definition.
      Tvri(VisualRelation... visualRelations)
      Initializes a VisualRelation definition.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Init

        protected Init()
    • Method Detail

      • self

        protected abstract T self()
      • accessibilityId

        public T accessibilityId(StringProperty accessibilityId)
        Initializes the accessibility ID of the mobile control.
        accessibilityId - a StringProperty (or RegExpProperty) representing the accessibility ID of the mobile control.
        the description instance with the updated state (builder pattern).
      • accessibilityId

        public T accessibilityId(java.lang.String accessibilityId)
        Initializes the accessibility ID of the mobile control.
        accessibilityId - the accessibility ID of the mobile control.
        the description instance with the updated state (builder pattern).
      • className

        public T className(java.lang.String className)
        Initializes the test object class name used by Digital Lab.
        className - the test object class name used by Digital Lab.
        the description instance with the updated state (builder pattern).
      • container

        public T container(java.lang.String container)
        Initializes containing table item information if object is in a table (iOS only).
        container - containing table item information if object is in a table (iOS only).
        the description instance with the updated state (builder pattern).
      • resourceId

        public T resourceId(StringProperty resourceId)
        Initializes the resource ID of the control (Android only).
        resourceId - a StringProperty (or RegExpProperty) representing the resource ID of the control (Android only).
        the description instance with the updated state (builder pattern).
      • resourceId

        public T resourceId(java.lang.String resourceId)
        Initializes the resource ID of the control (Android only).
        resourceId - the resource ID of the control (Android only).
        the description instance with the updated state (builder pattern).
      • mobileCenterIndex

        public T mobileCenterIndex(java.lang.Integer mobileCenterIndex)
        Initializes the ordinal number assigned to the object to indicate the order in which the object appears on the device relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.
        mobileCenterIndex - the ordinal number assigned to the object.
        the description instance with the updated state (builder pattern).
      • vri

        public T vri(java.util.List<VisualRelation> visualRelations)
        Initializes a VisualRelation definition.
        The VRI definition helps to distinguish this object from other objects with otherwise identical descriptions, based on this object's visual relationship to another object in the application.
        visualRelations - the VisualRelation object containing the VRI definition for this object.
        the description instance with the updated state (builder pattern).
      • vri

        public T vri(VisualRelation... visualRelations)
        Initializes a VisualRelation definition.
        The VRI definition helps to distinguish this object from other objects with otherwise identical descriptions, based on this object's visual relationship to another object in the application.
        visualRelations - the VisualRelation object containing the VRI definition for this object.
        the description instance with the updated state (builder pattern).