
Interface Menu

    • Method Detail

      • buildMenuPath

        java.lang.String buildMenuPath(java.lang.Object... menuPathParts)
        Returns the path of the specified menu item.
        menuPathParts - the menu path parts can be: logical name(string), full path(string), or numeric index(int).
        Index values are 1-based. For a full path, separate items with commas.
        the menu path
      • select

        void select(MenuItem item)
             throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Selects the specified item in the menu by MenuItem.
        item - specified menu item to select from the menu.
        Tip: Use the GetItem method to get the item to be used as the item argument for this method.
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.
      • select

        void select(java.lang.String itemPath)
             throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Selects the specified item in the menu by path.
        itemPath - the full path of the menu item to return. To specify the index of the item to select, use <Item #>.
        Index values begin with 1.
        Tip: Use the BuildMenuPath method to build the item path string to be used as the itemPath argument for this method
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.
      • getItem

                                                    MenuItem getItem(java.lang.String itemPath)
                  throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Returns the menu item with the specified path. Tip: To check whether the item exists, use the MenuItem.Exists property.
        itemPath - the full path of the menu item to return. To specify the index of the item to select, use <Item #>.
        Index values begin with 1.
        Tip: Use the BuildMenuPath method to build the item path string to be used as the itemPath argument for this method.
        the menu item (MenuItem) found at the specified item path
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.