Package com.hp.lft.sdk.uiapro
UIA Pro is supported as a technical preview.
Interface Description AppBar A UIAPro AppBar.Button A UIAPro Button.Calendar A UIAPro Calendar.CheckBox A UIAPro CheckBox.ComboBox A UIAPro ComboBox.Document A UIAPro Document.DoubleClickable Indicates that this object can be double-clicked.Edit A UIAPro Edit.ExpandCollapsePattern The methods and properties used to interact with collapsible objects.
Grid A UIAPro Grid.GridItem A UIAPro GridItem.GridItemPattern The methods and properties used to interact with items in a grid.
GridPattern The methods and properties used to interact with a grid control; a container control that can be traversed by row and column.
Group A UIAPro Group.Header A UIAPro Header.HeaderItem A UIAPro HeaderItem.Image A UIAPro Image.InvokePattern The method used to activate a control and initiate its single action.
LegacyIAccessiblePattern The methods and properties used to retrieve accessibility information about a control.
Link A UIAPro Link.List A UIAPro List.ListItem A UIAPro ListItem.Menu A UIAPro Menu.MenuBar A UIAPro MenuBar.MenuItem A UIAPro MenuItem.Pane A UIAPro Pane.ProgressBar A UIAPro ProgressBar.RadioButton A UIAPro RadioButton.RangeValuePattern The methods and properties used to interact with a control that can be set to a value within a range.
ScrollBar A UIAPro ScrollBar.ScrollItemPattern The methods and properties used to interact with items in a scrollable container.
ScrollPattern The methods and properties used to interact with a container control that can be scrolled.
SelectionItemPattern The methods and properties used to interact with selectable items in a container.
SelectionPattern The methods and properties used to interact with a container control that contains selectable items.
SemanticZoom A UIAPro SemanticZoom.Separator A UIAPro Separator.Slider A UIAPro Slider.Spinner A UIAPro Spinner.SplitButton A UIAPro SplitButton.StatusBar A UIAPro StatusBar.TabControl A UIAPro TabControl.TabItem A UIAPro TabItem.Table A UIAPro Table.TableItemPattern The methods and properties used to retrieve table column or row header items.
TablePattern The methods and properties used to read from a table control.
Text A UIAPro Text.TextPattern The methods and properties used to interact with text.
Thumb A UIAPro Thumb.TitleBar A UIAPro TitleBar.TogglePattern The methods and properties used to interact with a control that can cycle through a set of states and maintain a state after it is set.
ToolBar A UIAPro ToolBar.ToolTip A UIAPro ToolTip.TreeView A UIAPro TreeView.TreeViewItem A UIAPro TreeViewItem.UiObject A standard UIAPro object.UiObjectBase Base interface of all UIAPro test objects.
ValuePattern The methods and properties used to interact with a control that has an intrinsic value that does not span a range and can be represented as a string.
Window A UIAPro window.WindowPattern The methods and properties used to interact with a window control.
Class Description AppBarDescription The description of a UIAPro AppBar test object.AppBarDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the AppBarDescription class using the builder pattern.AppBarDescription.Init<T extends AppBarDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for AppBarDescription.Builder.ButtonDescription The description of a UIAPro Button test object.ButtonDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ButtonDescription class using the builder pattern.ButtonDescription.Init<T extends ButtonDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ButtonDescription.Builder.CalendarDescription The description of a UIAPro Calendar test object.CalendarDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the CalendarDescription class using the builder pattern.CalendarDescription.Init<T extends CalendarDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for CalendarDescription.Builder.CheckBoxDescription The description of a UIAPro CheckBox test object.CheckBoxDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the CheckBoxDescription class using the builder pattern.CheckBoxDescription.Init<T extends CheckBoxDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for CheckBoxDescription.Builder.ComboBoxDescription The description of a UIAPro ComboBox test object.ComboBoxDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ComboBoxDescription class using the builder pattern.ComboBoxDescription.Init<T extends ComboBoxDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ComboBoxDescription.Builder.DocumentDescription The description of a UIAPro Document test object.DocumentDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the DocumentDescription class using the builder pattern.DocumentDescription.Init<T extends DocumentDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for DocumentDescription.Builder.EditDescription The description of a UIAPro Edit test object.EditDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the EditDescription class using the builder pattern.EditDescription.Init<T extends EditDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for EditDescription.Builder.GridDescription The description of a UIAPro Grid test object.GridDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the GridDescription class using the builder pattern.GridDescription.Init<T extends GridDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for GridDescription.Builder.GridItemDescription The description of a UIAPro GridItem test object.GridItemDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the GridItemDescription class using the builder pattern.GridItemDescription.Init<T extends GridItemDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for GridItemDescription.Builder.GroupDescription The description of a UIAPro Group test object.GroupDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the GroupDescription class using the builder pattern.GroupDescription.Init<T extends GroupDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for GroupDescription.Builder.HeaderDescription The description of a UIAPro Header test object.HeaderDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the HeaderDescription class using the builder pattern.HeaderDescription.Init<T extends HeaderDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for HeaderDescription.Builder.HeaderItemDescription The description of a UIAPro HeaderItem test object.HeaderItemDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the HeaderItemDescription class using the builder pattern.HeaderItemDescription.Init<T extends HeaderItemDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for HeaderItemDescription.Builder.ImageDescription The description of a UIAPro Image test object.ImageDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ImageDescription class using the builder pattern.ImageDescription.Init<T extends ImageDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ImageDescription.Builder.LinkDescription The description of a UIAPro Link test object.LinkDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the LinkDescription class using the builder pattern.LinkDescription.Init<T extends LinkDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for LinkDescription.Builder.ListDescription The description of a UIAPro List test object.ListDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ListDescription class using the builder pattern.ListDescription.Init<T extends ListDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ListDescription.Builder.ListItemDescription The description of a UIAPro ListItem test object.ListItemDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ListItemDescription class using the builder pattern.ListItemDescription.Init<T extends ListItemDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ListItemDescription.Builder.MenuBarDescription The description of a UIAPro MenuBar test object.MenuBarDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the MenuBarDescription class using the builder pattern.MenuBarDescription.Init<T extends MenuBarDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for MenuBarDescription.Builder.MenuDescription The description of a UIAPro Menu test object.MenuDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the MenuDescription class using the builder pattern.MenuDescription.Init<T extends MenuDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for MenuDescription.Builder.MenuItemDescription The description of a UIAPro MenuItem test object.MenuItemDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the MenuItemDescription class using the builder pattern.MenuItemDescription.Init<T extends MenuItemDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for MenuItemDescription.Builder.PaneDescription The description of a UIAPro Pane test object.PaneDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the PaneDescription class using the builder pattern.PaneDescription.Init<T extends PaneDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for PaneDescription.Builder.ProgressBarDescription The description of a UIAPro ProgressBar test object.ProgressBarDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ProgressBarDescription class using the builder pattern.ProgressBarDescription.Init<T extends ProgressBarDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ProgressBarDescription.Builder.RadioButtonDescription The description of a UIAPro RadioButton test object.RadioButtonDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the RadioButtonDescription class using the builder pattern.RadioButtonDescription.Init<T extends RadioButtonDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for RadioButtonDescription.Builder.ScrollBarDescription The description of a UIAPro ScrollBar test object.ScrollBarDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ScrollBarDescription class using the builder pattern.ScrollBarDescription.Init<T extends ScrollBarDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ScrollBarDescription.Builder.SemanticZoomDescription The description of a UIAPro SemanticZoom test object.SemanticZoomDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the SemanticZoomDescription class using the builder pattern.SemanticZoomDescription.Init<T extends SemanticZoomDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for SemanticZoomDescription.Builder.SeparatorDescription The description of a UIAPro Separator test object.SeparatorDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the SeparatorDescription class using the builder pattern.SeparatorDescription.Init<T extends SeparatorDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for SeparatorDescription.Builder.SliderDescription The description of a UIAPro Slider test object.SliderDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the SliderDescription class using the builder pattern.SliderDescription.Init<T extends SliderDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for SliderDescription.Builder.SpinnerDescription The description of a UIAPro Spinner test object.SpinnerDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the SpinnerDescription class using the builder pattern.SpinnerDescription.Init<T extends SpinnerDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for SpinnerDescription.Builder.SplitButtonDescription The description of a UIAPro SplitButton test object.SplitButtonDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the SplitButtonDescription class using the builder pattern.SplitButtonDescription.Init<T extends SplitButtonDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for SplitButtonDescription.Builder.StatusBarDescription The description of a UIAPro StatusBar test object.StatusBarDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the SplitButtonDescription class using the builder pattern.StatusBarDescription.Init<T extends StatusBarDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for StatusBarDescription.Builder.TabControlDescription The description of a UIAPro TabControl test object.TabControlDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the TabControlDescription class using the builder pattern.TabControlDescription.Init<T extends TabControlDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for TabControlDescription.Builder.TabItemDescription The description of a UIAPro TabItem test object.TabItemDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the TabItemDescription class using the builder pattern.TabItemDescription.Init<T extends TabItemDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for TabItemDescription.Builder.TableDescription The description of a UIAPro Table test object.TableDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the TableDescription class using the builder pattern.TableDescription.Init<T extends TableDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for TableDescription.Builder.TextDescription The description of a UIAPro Text test object.TextDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the TextDescription class using the builder pattern.TextDescription.Init<T extends TextDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for TextDescription.Builder.ThumbDescription The description of a UIAPro Thumb test object.ThumbDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ThumbDescription class using the builder pattern.ThumbDescription.Init<T extends ThumbDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ThumbDescription.Builder.TitleBarDescription The description of a UIAPro TitleBar test object.TitleBarDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the TitleBarDescription class using the builder pattern.TitleBarDescription.Init<T extends TitleBarDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for TitleBarDescription.Builder.ToolBarDescription The description of a UIAPro ToolBar test object.ToolBarDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ToolBarDescription class using the builder pattern.ToolBarDescription.Init<T extends ToolBarDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ToolTipDescription.Builder.ToolTipDescription The description of a UIAPro ToolTip test object.ToolTipDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ToolTipDescription class using the builder pattern.ToolTipDescription.Init<T extends ToolTipDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ToolTipDescription.Builder.TreeViewDescription The description of a UIAPro TreeView test object.TreeViewDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the TreeViewDescription class using the builder pattern.TreeViewDescription.Init<T extends TreeViewDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for TreeViewDescription.Builder.TreeViewItemDescription The description of a UIAPro TreeViewItem test object.TreeViewItemDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the TreeViewItemDescription class using the builder pattern.TreeViewItemDescription.Init<T extends TreeViewItemDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for TreeViewItemDescription.Builder.UiObjectBaseDescription The base description of all UIAPro test objects.UiObjectBaseDescription.Init<T extends UiObjectBaseDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for UiObjectBaseDescription.Builder.UiObjectDescription The description of a UIAPro UiObject test object.UiObjectDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the UiObjectDescription class using the builder pattern.UiObjectDescription.Init<T extends UiObjectDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for UiObjectDescription.Builder.WindowDescription The description of a UIAPro Window test object.WindowDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the WindowDescription class using the builder pattern.WindowDescription.Init<T extends WindowDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for WindowDescription.Builder.Enum Description AccessibleRole The possible roles of various UI objects in an application.AccessibleState The possible states of objects in an application UI.Alignment The possible types of alignment.
Direction The possible directions when navigating in a document.
ExpandCollapseState The possible expand/collapse states of an object.ScrollAmount The possible sizes/directions to use for a scroll operation.
SelectOptions The possible operations when clicking on a selectable object.
SupportedTextSelection The types of text selections supported by a text provider.
TableTraversalDirection The possible directions to use for reading a table.
TextUnit The possible unit lengths to use when navigating within a document.
ToggleState The possible states of a toggleable object.
WindowInteractionState The possible interaction states of a window.
WindowVisualState The possible visual states of a window.