
Interface Menu

    • Method Detail

      • buildMenuPath

        java.lang.String buildMenuPath(java.lang.Object... menuPathParts)
        Returns the path of the specified menu item.
        menuPathParts - the menu path parts can be: logical name(string), full path(string), or numeric index(int).
        Index values are 0-based. For a full path, separate items with commas.
        the menu path
      • getTopLevelMenuItems

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getTopLevelMenuItems()
                                                       throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Returns the list of all the top level menu items contained in this menu.
        An array of strings containing the top level menu items in this menu.
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.
      • select

        void select(java.lang.String menuPath)
             throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Selects the specified item in the menu by path.
        menuPath - the full path of the menu item to return. To specify the index of the item to select, use #Number where Number is the item number.
        Index values begin with 0.
        Tip: Use the BuildMenuPath method to build the menu path string to be used as the menuPath argument for this method
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.
      • select

        void select(java.lang.Object... menuPathParts)
             throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Selects the specified item in the menu by path.
        menuPathParts - the menu path parts can be: logical name(string), full path(string), or numeric index(int).
        Index values are 0-based. For a full path, separate items with commas.
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.