Interface Summary Interface Description AgGrid An AgGrid table.Area A section of an image on a Web page (usually a section of a client-side image map).AudioControl A Web control that plays audio embedded in an HTML page.Browser A tab in an open Web browser.Button A Web button, for example: <button> tag or <input type="button">
Examples of button types: submit, resetCheckBox A Web check box with an ON and OFF state.EditField A Web edit box.EditFieldBase Base interface for Web edit fields (EditField, NumericField, and FileField).EditFieldCommon Properties and methods for Web edit field types (edit, number, and range).EmulatedEnvironment FileField A Web edit box with an attached browse button. Used to select a file from the File dialog box.Frame A Web frame object that represents both the frame element in a frame set and an embedded frame that uses the frame element.GridBase<T extends TableRowBase> Base interface for Web grid test objects.Image A Web image element in the HTML.
<img src= myImage.png />
an image link that, when clicked, navigates to another URL
DOM structure example:
<a href= >
<img src= googleLogo.png />
</a>Link A Web hyperlink (or anchor) object.ListBox A Web drop-down box or multiple selection list.ListItem A single list item in a Web list.MediaControl Web methods for playing media (audio/video) files embedded in the HTML page.Menu A menu control in a Web page or application.NumericField A numeric Web form field.Page An HTML page.RadioGroup A set of Web radio buttons belonging to the same group.Slider A numeric Web slider control.If a browser does not support this slider, OpenText Functional Testing for Developers uses an edit field instead.Table A Web table containing a variable number of rows and columns.TableBase<T extends TableRowBase> Base interface for Web and SAP UI5 table test objects.TableCell A single cell in the the Web Table test object.TableRow A single row in the Web Table test object.TableRowBase<T extends TableCell> Base interface for Web and SAP UI5 table row.TabStrip A tab strip control in a Web page or application.TreeView A Web TreeView objectTreeViewNode A single node in a Web Tree.UiGrid A UiGrid table.VideoControl A Web control that plays video embedded in an HTML page.WebElement A basic Web element's description.WebTestObject A generic Web test object used only for implementation. Do not use to describe a concrete web test object.WebTestObjectDescriber Indicates that the test object supports describing its child test object with advanced web filters.Class Summary Class Description AgGridDescription The description of a Web AgGrid test object.AgGridDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the AgGridDescription class using the builder pattern.AgGridDescription.Init<T extends AgGridDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for AgGridDescription.Builder.AreaDescription The description of a Web Area test object.AreaDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the AreaDescription class using the builder pattern.AreaDescription.Init<T extends AreaDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for AreaDescription.Builder.AudioControlDescription The description of a Web AudioControl test object.AudioControlDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the AudioControlDescription class using the builder pattern.AudioControlDescription.Init<T extends AudioControlDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for AudioControlDescription.Builder.BrowserDescription The description of a Web Browser test object.BrowserDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the BrowserDescription class using the builder pattern.BrowserDescription.Init<T extends BrowserDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for BrowserDescription.Builder.BrowserFactory A class for creating aBrowser
instance.BrowserVersion Data regarding the browser type and version returned by the browser object.ButtonDescription The description of a Web Button test object.ButtonDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ButtonDescription class using the builder pattern.ButtonDescription.Init<T extends ButtonDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ButtonDescription.Builder.CheckBoxDescription The description of a Web CheckBox test object.CheckBoxDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the CheckBoxDescription class using the builder pattern.CheckBoxDescription.Init<T extends CheckBoxDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for CheckBoxDescription.Builder.ColumnToSearch Class defining the table column in which to search.CSSDescription The description of a Web test object based on a CSS selector.EditFieldBaseDescription A base class description for all edit fields (Edit, Number and File).EditFieldBaseDescription.Init<T extends EditFieldBaseDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for derived Builder classes.EditFieldDescription The description of the base interface for Web edit fields, such as, edit, number, and file fields.EditFieldDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the EditFieldDescription class using the builder pattern.EditFieldDescription.Init<T extends EditFieldDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for EditFieldDescription.Builder.EmulatedDevice The description of an emulated mobile device test object.EventInfo The HTML event info to be used for the FireEvent method.EventInfoFactory A factory for creating EventInfo to be passed to the fireEvent method of the Web test object.FileFieldDescription The description of a Web FileField test object.FileFieldDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the FileFieldDescription class using the builder pattern.FileFieldDescription.Init<T extends FileFieldDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for FileFieldDescription.Builder.FormFieldDescription The description of a base interface for all Web form-related test objects.FormFieldDescription.Init<T extends FormFieldDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for derived Builder classes.FrameDescription The description of a Web Frame test object.FrameDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the FrameDescription class using the builder pattern.FrameDescription.Init<T extends FrameDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for FrameDescription.Builder.GridBaseDescription The base description of a Web Grid test object.GridBaseDescription.Init<T extends GridBaseDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for derived Builder classes.ImageDescription The description of a Web Image test object.ImageDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ImageDescription class using the builder pattern.ImageDescription.Init<T extends ImageDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ImageDescription.Builder.LinkDescription The description of a Web Link test object.LinkDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the LinkDescription class using the builder pattern.LinkDescription.Init<T extends LinkDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for LinkDescription.Builder.ListBoxDescription The description of a Web ListBox test object.ListBoxDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the ListBoxDescription class using the builder pattern.ListBoxDescription.Init<T extends ListBoxDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for ListBoxDescription.Builder.MediaControlDescription The description of a Web MediaControl (audio control or video control) test object.MediaControlDescription.Init<T extends MediaControlDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for derived Builder classes.MenuDescription The description of a Web Menu test object.MenuDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the MenuDescription class using the builder pattern.MenuDescription.Init<T extends MenuDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for MenuDescription.Builder.MouseEventInfo The HTML mouse event info to be used for the FireEvent method.NumericFieldDescription The description of a Web NumericField test object.NumericFieldDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the NumericFieldDescription class using the builder pattern.NumericFieldDescription.Init<T extends NumericFieldDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for NumericFieldDescription.Builder.PageDescription The description of a Web Page test object.PageDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the PageDescription class using the builder pattern.PageDescription.Init<T extends PageDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for PageDescription.Builder.RadioGroupDescription The description of a Web RadioGroup test object.RadioGroupDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the RadioGroupDescription class using the builder pattern.RadioGroupDescription.Init<T extends RadioGroupDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for RadioGroupDescription.Builder.SliderDescription The description of a Web Slider test object.SliderDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the SliderDescription class using the builder pattern.SliderDescription.Init<T extends SliderDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for SliderDescription.Builder.TableDescription The description of a Web Table test object.TableDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the TableDescription class using the builder pattern.TableDescription.Init<T extends TableDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for TableDescription.Builder.TabStripDescription The description of a Web TabStrip test object.TabStripDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the TabStripDescription class using the builder pattern.TabStripDescription.Init<T extends TabStripDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for TabStripDescription.Builder.TextMatch Class defining a text match we are looking for.TreeViewConfiguration A set of xpath values to help the TreeView object perform Select, Expand and Collapse operation in cases where the default implementation cannot find the element needed.TreeViewDescription The description of a WebTree test object.TreeViewDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the TreeViewDescription class using the builder pattern.TreeViewDescription.Init<T extends TreeViewDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for TreeViewDescription.Builder.UiGridDescription The description of a Web UiGrid test object.UiGridDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the UiGridDescription class using the builder pattern.UiGridDescription.Init<T extends UiGridDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for UiGridDescription.Builder.VideoControlDescription The description of a Web VideoControl test object.VideoControlDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the WebVideoControlDescription class using the builder pattern.VideoControlDescription.Init<T extends VideoControlDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for VideoControlDescription.Builder.WebBaseDescription A basic Web-based content description.WebBaseDescription.Init<T extends WebBaseDescription.Init<T>> Helper class for derived Builder classes.WebDoubleClickArgs Arguments that define additional behavior for double click operations.
This class can be initialized using the builder pattern.WebElementDescription a basic element's description.WebElementDescription.Builder This class can be used to construct an instance of the WebElementDescription class using the builder pattern.WebElementDescription.Init<T extends WebElementDescription.Init<T>> WebLongPressArgs Arguments that define additional behavior for LongPress operations.
This class can be initialized using the builder pattern.WebPanArgs Arguments that define additional behavior for Pan operations.
This class can be initialized using the builder pattern.WebPinchArgs Arguments that define additional behavior for Pinch operations.
This class can be initialized using the builder pattern.WebSwipeArgs Arguments that define additional behavior for Swipe operations.
This class can be initialized using the builder pattern.XPathDescription This class can be used to describe web objects using xpath.Enum Summary Enum Description BrowserType Supported browser types.DialogButton ImageType Supported image types.MouseEventTypes Supported mouse event types.