
Interface Calendar

    • Method Detail

      • getDate

        java.util.Date getDate()
                        throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Returns the date associated with this calendar. If a date range is associated, returns the start date.
        Note: If you try to retrieve a date value from a WPF calendar object before performing an operation on it, OpenText Functional Testing for Developers returns an exception.
        Therefore, make sure to precede the retrieve value step with a step that performs an operation on the calendar, such as setting the date on the calendar to the current date.
        the date
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.
      • getDateRanges

                                                    DateRange[] getDateRanges()
                           throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Returns the selected date ranges of this Month Calendar control in multi-selection mode.
        If a single date is selected in the calendar:
        • DateRanges returns an array with a single element.
        • Both DateRange.getStartDate() and DateRange.getEndDate() are equal to the selected date.
        ranges of dates
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.
      • setDateRange

        void setDateRange(DateRange dateRange)
                   throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Sets the date range of this calendar or the date of this date picker.
        If a single date is selected in the calendar, the getDateRanges method will return a DateRange array with a single element, where both DateRange.getStartDate() and DateRange.getEndDate() of the element are equal to the selected date.
        dateRange - the date range
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.
      • setDateRange

        void setDateRange(java.util.Date startDate,
                          java.util.Date endDate)
                   throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Sets the date range of this calendar or the date of this date picker.
        startDate - the start of the range
        endDate - the end of the range
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.
      • setDateRanges

        void setDateRanges(DateRange... dateRanges)
                    throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Sets the date ranges of this calendar or the dates of this date picker.
        dateRanges - the date ranges
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.
      • getParentText

        java.lang.String getParentText()
                                throws GeneralLeanFtException
        Returns the text associated with the parent object of this object.
        the text
        GeneralLeanFtException - if an error occurs during execution.