
Class ListDescription

    • Constructor Detail

      • ListDescription

        public ListDescription()
        Initializes a new instance of the ListDescription class.
    • Method Detail

      • setSelectMultiple

        public void setSelectMultiple(java.lang.Boolean isSelectMultiple)
        Sets whether the container allows more than one child element to be selected concurrently.
        isSelectMultiple - whether the container allows more than one child element to be selected concurrently.
      • isSelectMultiple

        public java.lang.Boolean isSelectMultiple()
        Indicates whether the container allows more than one child element to be selected concurrently.
        true, if the container allows more than one child element to be selected concurrently.
      • setParentText

        public void setParentText(java.lang.String parentText)
        Sets the text associated with the parent object of this object.
        parentText - the text to associate with the parent object
      • setParentText

        public void setParentText(StringProperty parentText)
        Sets the text associated with the parent object of this object.
        parentText - a StringProperty or RegExpProperty
      • getParentText

        public StringProperty getParentText()
        Returns the text associated with the parent object of this object.
        parentText the text associated with the parent
      • setName

        public void setName(java.lang.String name)
        Sets the name of the object.
        name - the name of this object
      • setName

        public void setName(StringProperty name)
        Sets the name of the object.
        name - a StringProperty(or RegExpProperty) representing the text associated with the name of the object.
      • getName

        public StringProperty getName()
        Returns the name of this object.
        name the name of the object.
      • setHelpText

        public void setHelpText(java.lang.String helpText)
        Sets the help text associated with this object.
        helpText - the help text associated with the this object
      • getHelpText

        public StringProperty getHelpText()
        Returns the help text associated with this object.
        helpText the help text
      • setItems

        public void setItems(java.lang.String[] items)
        Sets the list of all items in the list object.
        items - the list of all items in the list object.
      • getItems

        public java.lang.String[] getItems()
        Returns the list of all items in the list object.
        the list of all items in the list object.
      • setSelectedItems

        public void setSelectedItems(java.lang.String[] items)
        Sets the list of items that are selected in the list object.
        items - the list of items that are selected in the list object.
      • getSelectedItems

        public java.lang.String[] getSelectedItems()
        Returns the list of items that are selected in the list object.
        the list of items that are selected in the list object.