Oracle code samples (.NET SDK)
Select an item from a ListOfValues
This example selects an item from a list of values attached to an edit field.
In the application, this list looks like a '...' button. To open the list from a test you need to use a SendKey(SoftKeys.ListOfValues) statement.
using HP.LFT.SDK; using HP.LFT.SDK.Oracle; using NUnit.Framework; namespace HP.LeanFT.Examples.Oracle { [TestFixture] public class OracleCompleteExamples : UnitTestClassBase { [OneTimeSetUp] public void TestFixtureSetUp() { // Setup once per fixture // In this section, you launch the application you want to test. // Use the Web Add-in to navigate to the Oracle server in a browser, // log in to the application and navigate to the desired window. // Make sure to set up any configuration needed to open the application. } [SetUp] public void SetUp() { // Before each test } //Select a value from a ListOfValues control. [Test] public void Test_ListOfValues() { //Create a description for a FormWindow control and set the properties to identify the FormWindow uniquely. var distributionListsFormWindow = Desktop.Describe<IFormWindow>(new FormWindowDescription { ShortTitle = @"Distribution Lists" }); //Create a description for an EditField control and set the properties to identify the EditField uniquely. var applicationEditField = distributionListsFormWindow .Describe<IEditField>(new EditFieldDescription { Caption = @"Application", ObjectName = string.Empty }); //Use the SendKey method with parameter SoftKeys.LIST_OF_VALUES to open the ListOfValues control. applicationEditField.SendKey(SoftKeys.ListOfValues); //Create a description for the ListOfValues control and set the properties to identify the ListOfValues uniquely. var applicationsListOfValues = Desktop.Describe<IListOfValues>(new ListOfValuesDescription { Title = @"Applications" }); //Use the Find method to find values inside the ListOfValues control. applicationsListOfValues.Find("A%"); //Use the Select method to select an item from the ListOfValues control. applicationsListOfValues.Select(0); } [TearDown] publicvoid TearDown() { // Clean up after each test } [OneTimeTearDown] publicvoid TestFixtureTearDown() { // Clean up once per fixture } } }
Set the value of a cell in a table
This example sets and then checks the value of a cell in an Oracle table.
using HP.LFT.SDK; using HP.LFT.SDK.Oracle; using NUnit.Framework; namespace HP.LeanFT.Examples.Oracle { [TestFixture] public class OracleCompleteExamples : UnitTestClassBase { [OneTimeSetUp] public void TestFixtureSetUp() { // Setup once per fixture // In this section, you launch the application you want to test. // Use the Web Add-in to navigate to the Oracle server in a browser, // log in to the application and navigate to the desired window. // Make sure to set up any configuration needed to open the application. } [SetUp] public void SetUp() { // Before each test } //Verify cells from a table. [Test] public void Test_Table() { //Create a description for a FormWindow control and set the properties to identify the FormWindow uniquely. var oracleAlertOptionsFormWindow = Desktop.Describe<IFormWindow>(new FormWindowDescription { ShortTitle = @"Oracle Alert Options" }); //Create a description for a List control. //Set the correct properties in order to identify the List uniquely. var functionList = Desktop.Describe<IFormWindow>(new FormWindowDescription { ShortTitle = @"Navigator" }) .Describe<ITab>(new TabDescription { Label = @"Functions" }) .Describe<IList>(new ListDescription { Caption = string.Empty, ClassPath = @"oracle.forms.ui.VTList;oracle.ewt.lwAWT.LWList;oracle.ewt.lwAWT.LWDataSourceList;oracle.ewt.lwAWT.LWContainer;oracle.ewt.lwAWT.LWComponent;java.awt.Container;java.awt.Component;java.lang.Object;", ObjectName = string.Empty }); //Use the Activate method with the item name to open a new FormWindow. functionList.Activate("+ System"); //Use the Activate method for child items. functionList.Activate("Options"); //Create a description for a Table control and set the properties to identify the Table uniquely. var table = oracleAlertOptionsFormWindow .Describe<ITab>(new TabDescription { Label = @"Mail Systems" }) .Describe<ITable>(new TableDescription { ObjectName = @"Table" }); //Check whether the cell in row 0 and column 0 has a specific value. //Use the Value property to get the value of the control. Assert.AreEqual(table.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), "Oracle InterOffice"); //Get the cell from row 0 and column 1. ITableCell cell = table.Rows[0].Cells[1]; //Use AsTestObject method to get the inside test object from a cell. IEditField editField = cell.AsTestObject<IEditField>(); //After we get the test object we can use the SetText method to set the text of the EditField control. editField.SetText("text"); //Check whether the previous step was performed correctly. //Use the Value property to get the value of the control. Assert.AreEqual(cell.Value.ToString(), "text"); } [TearDown] public void TearDown() { // Clean up after each test } [OneTimeTearDown] public void TestFixtureTearDown() { // Clean up once per fixture } } }