IReporter Interface
Accesses the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers HTML Report.

C# Syntax

public interface IReporter 
Public Properties
PropertyReportConfigurationReturns the ReportConfiguration interface, which enables you to customize the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report behavior.  
PropertyReportDescriptionthe OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report description. The description appears directly below the title in the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report. By default, the description is empty.  
PropertyReportLevelThe report level used to generate the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report. Possible values: ReportLevel.  
PropertyReportTitlethe OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report title. Default = Run Results.  
PropertySnapshotCaptureLevelThe snapshot capture level used to generate the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report.  
PropertyStatusThe runtime status of the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report.  
Public Methods
MethodAddRunInformationAdds a custom entry to the top section of the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report.  
MethodEndReportingContextEnds the section in the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report.  
MethodEndTestEnds the current test level and optionally sets the status for the test.  
MethodGenerateReportGenerates the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report.  
Public Method

static (Shared in Visual Basic)


Returns the status of the current execution context. The execution context is equivalent to any superior structure that contains operations (e.g.: test method, reporting context).

C# Syntax

publicstaticStatus GetCurrentExecutionContextStatus( )

MethodInitInitializes the specified ReportConfiguration.  
MethodReportEventOverloaded. Adds a custom step to the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report including the image from the specified path.  
MethodReportVerificationAdds a custom verification step to the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report.  
MethodStartReportingContextStarts a named section in the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report.  

Overloaded. Starts screen recording.

MethodStartTestStarts a new test node in the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers report test flow tree.  

Stops screen recording. A link to the recording is added to the report.

To start the recording use startScreenRecording.

C# Syntax

void StopScreenRecording()