HP.LFT.SDK.AI Namespace

Provides the SDK for AI-based testing.

ClassAIAutoScrollSettingsThe auto scrolling feature settings, which control the automatic scrolling. Use AIRunSettings to update them during the run session.
ClassAIObjectDescriptionThe description of a AIObject test object.
ClassAIOCRLanguagesThe list of languages to recognize when using AI OCR. Can be used to set the languages during a run session using the AIOCRSettings.
ClassAIOCRSettingsThe AI OCR settings. Use AIRunSettings to update them during the run session.

Enables modifying the AIOCRSettings and the AIAutoScrollSettings for the current run session.

The types of controls that can be recognized using AI. 
ClassAIUtilRegisters or unregisters images as AI custom classes.
ClassInvalidClassNameExceptionThe exception returned when an incorrect class name is used for an AI Custom Class.
ClassInvalidPathExceptionThe exception returned when an incorrect path is provided for registering an AI Custom Class.
ClassPositionThis ILocator helps distinguish an IAIObject that may appear multiple times in the application by its position.
ClassRelationThis ILocator helps distinguish an IAIObject that may appear multiple times in the application by its relation with respect to other objects in the view.
InterfaceIAIObject An object identified using Artificial intelligence.
InterfaceILocator Describes the unique location of an object that may appear multiple times in the application.
EnumerationDirectionThe values for the Position constructor, used to describe an IAIObject by its position.
The type of OCR settings to use for AI-based steps.

Relation types that can be used to identify an AiObject.



The scrolling directions supported by the AI automatic scrolling feature.


Possible values for the setState method of toggleable AI classes. The toggleable AI classes are: Check Box, Toggle Button and Radio Button.

See also: