EnvironmentDescription Class

An object describing the environment that the test requires, in capability name-value pairs.

C# Syntax
                            public class EnvironmentDescription : PropertiesDescription, IDescription 
Inheritance Hierarchy


Public Constructors
Public ConstructorEnvironmentDescription Constructor

Creates an instance of EnvironmentDescription.

C# Syntax

                            public EnvironmentDescription()
Public Methods
Public MethodCloneCreates an exact copy of the test object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.PropertiesDescription )
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromDictionary

Creates a new instance of EnvironmentDescription and initializes it with the specified dictionary of capabilities. For details on how to describe the capabilities, see Build an environment description in the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers Help Center.

C# Syntax

                            public static EnvironmentDescription FromDictionary( 
   IDictionary<string,object> capabilities


An IDictionary<string,object> of capabilities to initialize the EnvironmentDescription with.

Return Value

A new instance of EnvironmentDescription initialized with the specified capabilities.

Public Method Get

Returns the current value of an EnvironmentDescription capability.

C# Syntax

 public object Get( 
   string capability


The capability whose value to return.

Return Value

The current value of an EnvironmentDescription capability.

Public MethodSet

Sets an EnvironmentDescription capability to the specified value.

C# Syntax

public EnvironmentDescription Set(string capability, object value)


The name of the capability to set a value for.
The new value of the capability.

Return Value

The updated description instance (builder pattern).
