IDesktopEnvironment Interface

Represents an environment on which OpenText Functional Testing for Developers performs test operations.

C# Syntax
public interface IDesktopEnvironment : IEnvironment
Public Properties
Public Property


Returns an IKeyboardDevice object that enables device replay on the environment.

C# Syntax

                        public IKeyboardDevice Keyboard {get;}
Public PropertyMouse

Returns an IMouseDevice object that enables device replay on the environment.

C# Syntax

                        public IMouseDevice Mouse {get;}
Public Methods
Public MethodDescribe<T>

Describes a top level Window or Dialog test object.  

C# Syntax

                            public T Describe<T>( 
   IDescription description
where T: class, ITopLevelObject


The description of the top level Window or Dialog test object.

Type Parameters

The type of test object. Only an IWindow or an IDialog can be the top-level test object.
Public MethodLaunchAutOverloaded. Launches an AUT using the file name. To use this method, you must create an application allowlist file. For details, see Add SDK code to your tests in the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers Help Center.  
Public MethodRelease

Releases the environment, if it was locked as a grid node.

C# Syntax

                            void Release()