ISpinBox Interface
A Java spin object.

C# Syntax

Public Properties
PropertyAbsoluteLocationThis object's coordinates relative to the screen (in pixels). 0,0 is the top-left corner of the (primary) monitor. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ILocationInfoProvider)
PropertyAttachedTextThe static text attached to the object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Java.IUiObjectBase)
PropertyBackgroundColorThe object's background color. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Java.IUiObjectBase)
PropertyDisplayNameThe object display name defined in the Application Model. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
PropertyForegroundColorThe object's foreground color. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Java.IUiObjectBase)
PropertyIsEnabledIndicates whether this object is enabled. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.IEnabledProvider)
PropertyIsFocusedIndicates whether this object has focus. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Java.IUiObjectBase)
PropertyIsVisibleIndicates whether this object is visible. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.IVisibleProvider)
PropertyLabelThe object's label. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Java.IUiObjectBase)
PropertyLocationThis object's coordinates relative to the parent window in pixels. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ILocationInfoProvider)
PropertyMaximumThe maximum value of the spin box.  
PropertyMinimumThe minimum value of the spin box.  
PropertyNativeClassThe object's Java class name. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Java.IUiObjectBase)
PropertyNativeObjectReturns the native application object that is represented by this test object instance, enabling you to access the native properties and methods provided by that object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ISupportsNativeObject)
PropertyObjectNameThe object's internal name. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Java.IUiObjectBase)
PropertyParentThe parent test object of this test object. The child object must be obtained using the Describe method, otherwise, it returns null. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
PropertyPathThe object's hierarchy (object ancestors). (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Java.IUiObjectBase)
PropertySizeThis object's size in pixels. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ILocationInfoProvider)
PropertyTagNameThe object's Java name. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Java.IUiObjectBase)
PropertyValueThe spin box's value.  
Public Methods
MethodClickClicks on this object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.IClickable)

Creates a native object wrapping an instance of a Java object within your application. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Java.IUiObjectBase)

MethodDescribe<TChild>Creates a child test object of this test object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObjectDescriber)
MethodDoubleClickDouble-clicks on this object using the specified MouseButton. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.IDoubleClickable)
MethodDownSets this spin box to the next lower value.  
MethodExistsChecks whether this object exists in the AUT before the default object synchronization timeout elapses. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodFindChildren<TChild>Returns all the child test objects that match the specified test object type and description filter. For example, you can use this method to retrieve all Web buttons on a Page with type="submit". (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodFireEventTriggers an event on the test object. Note: use the EventInfoFactory class to generate the eventInfo argument value. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Java.IUiObjectBase)
MethodGetDescriptionReturns a clone of the description for this test object. The test object must be obtained using the Describe method, otherwise, this method returns null. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)

Returns the value of a test object property. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Java.IUiObjectBase)

MethodGetSnapshotCaptures a bitmap of this test object and returns a System.Drawing.Image of it. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)

Gets a native object wrapping a Java class capable of accessing static members (methods and fields) of the specified Java class. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Java.IUiObjectBase)

MethodGetTextLocationsReturns all rectangle areas containing the specified text within this object (Windows only). (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodGetVisibleTextReturns all visible text from this object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodHighlightHighlights this object in the AUT. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodHighlightMatches<TChild>Highlights all children that match the specified test object type and description filter. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodSendKeysTypes the specified string into the test object in the application, including special keys or key modifiers. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Java.IUiObjectBase)
MethodSetDescriptionReplaces this test object's description with the supplied description. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodSetValueSets the spin box value.  
MethodUpSets this spin box to the next higher value.  
MethodVerifyImageExistsChecks whether a snapshot of this object contains the supplied image. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodVerifyImageMatchChecks whether a snapshot of this object and the supplied image are a match, given the specified pixel and RGB tolerance values. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)