HP.LFT.SDK.Mobile Namespace

Provides the SDK for testing objects in a mobile application.
ClassApplicationDescription The description of a mobile Application test object.
ClassButtonDescription The description of a Button test object in a mobile application.
ClassCalendarDescription The description of a Calendar test object in a mobile application.
ClassCheckBoxDescription The description of a CheckBox test object in a mobile application.
ClassDeviceDescription The description of a mobile Device test object.
ClassDeviceSessionOptions Defines the options that will be used during the device session.
ClassDeviceVitalsCollectOptions Defines which device vitals should be collected.
ClassDropDownDescription The description of a DropDown test object in a mobile application.
ClassEditFieldDescription The description of an EditField test object in a mobile application.
ClassEventResponseArgs Configures how to simulate events that interrupt the application flow on the device, such as an incoming call or SMS.
ClassLabelDescription The description of a Label test object in a mobile application.
ClassLongPressArgs Arguments that define additional behavior for Long Press operations.
ClassMobileLab The Digital Lab lab, where users, applications, and devices are managed.
ClassMobileReplayExceptionRepresents errors that occur while running tests on mobile applications.
ClassPaginatorDescription The description of a Paginator test object in a mobile application.
ClassPanArgs Arguments that define additional behavior for Pan operations.
ClassPinchArgs Arguments that define additional behavior for Pinch operations.
ClassRadioGroupDescription The description of a RadioGroup test object in a mobile application.
ClassRecyclerViewDescription The description of a mobile RecyclerView test object.
ClassSliderDescription The description of a Slider test object in a mobile application.
ClassStepperDescription The description of a Stepper test object in a mobile application.
ClassSwipeArgs Arguments that define additional behavior for Swipe operations.
ClassTableDescription The description of a mobile Table test object.
ClassTabStripDescription The description of a TabStrip test object in a mobile application.
ClassTapArgs Arguments that define additional behavior for Tap operations.
ClassToggleDescription The description of a Toggle test object in a mobile application.
ClassUiObjectBaseDescription Common description properties for all test objects in a mobile application (except for IApplication and IDevice).
ClassUiObjectDescription The description of a UiObject test object in a mobile application.
ClassViewDescription The description of a View test object in a mobile application.
ClassWebViewDescription The description of a WebView test object in a mobile application.
InterfaceIApplication A mobile application.
InterfaceIButton A button object in a mobile application.
InterfaceICalendar A calendar object in a mobile application.
InterfaceICheckBox A check box object in a mobile application. (Android Only)
InterfaceIDevice A mobile device.
InterfaceIDeviceInfo Information about the available mobile device returned from Digital Lab.
InterfaceIDropDown A drop-down object in a mobile application.
InterfaceIEditField An edit object in a mobile application.
InterfaceILabel A label in a mobile application.
InterfaceIPaginator A page control in a mobile application. (iOS Only)
InterfaceIRadioGroup A radio group object in a mobile application.
InterfaceIRecyclerView A recycler view object in a mobile application.
InterfaceIScrollable Scrolling options for objects in mobile applications.
InterfaceISimulateAuthResultAuthentication simulation result object. Used to define the result of an authentication simulation step.
InterfaceISlider A slider object in a mobile application.
InterfaceIStepper A stepper object in a mobile application. (iOS Only)
InterfaceITable A table object in a mobile application.
InterfaceITabStrip A tab strip object in a mobile application. (iOS Only)
InterfaceIToggle A toggle object in a mobile application.
InterfaceIUiObject A generic object in a mobile application.
InterfaceIUiObjectBase Common functionality for all UI objects in a mobile application.
InterfaceIView A view object in a mobile application. (iOS Only)
InterfaceIWebView A web view control in a mobile application
StructureMediaUploadOptions Define how media files are uploaded.
EnumerationDeviceOrientation Device orientation settings.
EnumerationDeviceSource The source location of the device.
EnumerationKeys Supplies constants representing keyboard keys on mobile devices, which can be used in the input parameter of the IDevice.SendKey method.
EnumerationLaunchOptions Options for launching an application
EnumerationScrollPageDirection Scroll direction.
EnumerationSimulateAuthCancelOriginAuthentication simulation cancellation reasons.
EnumerationSimulateAuthFailReasonAuthentication simulation failure reasons.

See also: