ScrollBarDescription Class

The description of a PowerBuilder ScrollBar test object.
C# Syntax
Inheritance Hierarchy


Public Constructors
Public ConstructorScrollBarDescription Constructor

 Initializes a new instance of the ScrollBarDescription class.

C# Syntax

public ScrollBarDescription()
Public Properties
Public PropertyAbsoluteLocationThe object's absolute coordinates relative to the screen (in pixels). 0,0 is the top-left corner of the (primary) monitor. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.PowerBuilder.UiObjectBaseDescription )
Public PropertyAttachedTextThe static text attached to the control. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.PowerBuilder.UiObjectBaseDescription )
Public PropertyIndexThe 0-based index of this object, relative to all other objects with an otherwise identical description. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Description )
Public PropertyIsEnabledIndicates whether the object is enabled. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.PowerBuilder.UiObjectBaseDescription )
Public PropertyIsFocusedIndicates whether the object is in focus. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.PowerBuilder.UiObjectBaseDescription )
Public PropertyIsVisibleIndicates whether the object is visible. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.PowerBuilder.UiObjectBaseDescription )
Public PropertyLocationThe object's coordinates relative to the parent window (in pixels). (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.PowerBuilder.UiObjectBaseDescription )
Public PropertyMaxPosition

The maximum scrolling position.

C# Syntax

public Nullable<int> MaxPosition {get; set;}
Public PropertyMinPosition

The minimum scrolling position.  

C# Syntax

public Nullable<int> MinPosition {get; set;}
Public PropertyNativeClassThe window class name of the object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.PowerBuilder.UiObjectBaseDescription )
Public PropertyPosition

The current scroll bar position.  

C# Syntax

public Nullable<int> Position {get; set;}
Public PropertySizeThe object's size (in pixels). (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.PowerBuilder.UiObjectBaseDescription )
Public PropertyTextThe text associated with the object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.PowerBuilder.UiObjectBaseDescription )
Public PropertyVriDistinguishes this object from other objects with otherwise identical descriptions, based on this object's visual relationship to another object in the application. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Description )
Public PropertyWindowClassRegExpThe permanent part of the MFC window class. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.PowerBuilder.UiObjectBaseDescription )
Public PropertyWindowExtendedStyleThe extended window style of the object. Possible values:HP.LFT.SDK.WindowExtendedStyles(Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.PowerBuilder.UiObjectBaseDescription )
Public PropertyWindowIdThe window identifier of the object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.PowerBuilder.UiObjectBaseDescription )
Public PropertyWindowStyleThe window style of the object. Possible values:HP.LFT.SDK.WindowStyles(Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.PowerBuilder.UiObjectBaseDescription )
Public PropertyWindowTitleRegExpThe constant part of the window title. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.PowerBuilder.UiObjectBaseDescription )