HP.LFT.SDK.PowerBuilder Namespace

Provides the SDK for testing PowerBuilder objects.
ClassButtonDescription The description of a PowerBuilder Button test object.
ClassCheckBoxDescription The description of a PowerBuilder CheckBox test object.
ClassComboBoxDescription The description of a PowerBuilder ComboBox test object.


ClassEditFieldDescription The description of a PowerBuilder EditField test object.
ClassListBoxDescription The description of a PowerBuilder ListBox test object.
ClassListViewDescription The description of a PowerBuilder ListView test object.
ClassRadioButtonDescription The description of a PowerBuilder RadioButton test object.
ClassScrollBarDescription The description of a PowerBuilder ScrollBar test object.
ClassTabControlDescription The description of a PowerBuilder TabControl test object.
ClassToolBarDescription The description of a PowerBuilder Toolbar test object.
ClassTreeViewDescription The description of a PowerBuilder TreeView test object.
ClassUiObjectBaseDescription The description of a PowerBuilder UiObjectBase abstract type.
ClassUiObjectDescription The description of a PowerBuilder UiObject test object.
ClassUiObjectWithLayoutInfoDescription The description of a PowerBuilder UiObjectWithLayout abstract type.
ClassWindowDescription The description of a PowerBuilder Window test object.
InterfaceIButton A PowerBuilder button.
InterfaceICheckBox A PowerBuilder check box.
InterfaceIComboBox A PowerBuilder combo box.
InterfaceIEditField A PowerBuilder edit box.
InterfaceIListBase<T> Base interface for PowerBuilder list objects.
InterfaceIListBox A PowerBuilder list.
InterfaceIListView A PowerBuilder list-view object.
InterfaceIListViewItem A single list item in a PowerBuilder list-view object.
InterfaceIRadioButton A PowerBuilder radio button.
InterfaceIScrollBar A PowerBuilder scroll bar.
InterfaceITab A single tab item belonging to a PowerBuilder tab control.
InterfaceITabControl A PowerBuilder tab control in a dialog box.
InterfaceIToolBar A PowerBuilder toolbar.
InterfaceIToolBarButton A single tool bar button in a PowerBuilder tool bar.
InterfaceIUiObject A PowerBuilder object.
InterfaceIUiObjectBase Base interface for all PowerBuilder test objects.
InterfaceIUiObjectWithLayoutInfo Base interface for PowerBuilder test objects with layout info.

See also: