INumericField Interface
A numeric Web form field.

C# Syntax


If a browser does not support this field, OpenText Functional Testing for Developers uses an edit field instead.

HTML example: <input type=“number” max=50 min=30 step=3/>

Public Properties
PropertyAbsoluteLocationThis object's coordinates relative to the screen (in pixels). 0,0 is the top-left corner of the (primary) monitor. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ILocationInfoProvider)
PropertyAccessibilityNameReturns this element's AccessibilityName. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebElement)
PropertyAttributesReturns a copy of the collection of attributes that is attached to the element for example, "id","class", ... (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebTestObject)
PropertyClassNameThe object's CSS class. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebTestObject)
PropertyCSSSelectorreturns this Element's CSS Selector. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebElement)
PropertyDefaultNumericValueThe initial value in this field, which is set when this field is reset.  
PropertyDefaultValueThe default value in the edit field. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IEditFieldCommon)
PropertyDisplayNameThe object display name defined in the Application Model. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
PropertyIdThe object's HTML identifier. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebTestObject)
PropertyInnerHTMLThe HTML code contained between the object's start and end tags. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebTestObject)
PropertyInnerTextThe text contained between the object's start and end tags. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebTestObject)

Indicates whether this object is enabled. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.IEnabledProvider)

PropertyIsReadOnlyIndicates whether this field is read-only. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IEditBase)
PropertyIsRequiredIndicates whether this field is mandatory. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IEditBase)
PropertyIsVisibleIndicates whether the current element is visible. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.IVisibleProvider)
PropertyLocationThis object's coordinates relative to the parent window in pixels. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ILocationInfoProvider)
PropertyMaxThe maximum value that can be entered in this field.  
PropertyMaxCharsInLineThe maximum number of characters allowed per line in this edit field. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IEditBase)
PropertyMaxLengthThe max number of characters that can be entered in the input field. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IEditFieldCommon)
PropertyMinThe minimum value that can be entered in this field.  
PropertyNameThe object's name property. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebTestObject)
PropertyNativeObjectReturns the native application object that is represented by this test object instance, enabling you to access the native properties and methods provided by that object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ISupportsNativeObject)
PropertyNumericValueThe current value in this field.  
PropertyOuterHTMLThe object's HTML code and its content. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebTestObject)
PropertyOuterTextThe object's text. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebTestObject)
PropertyParentThe parent test object of this test object. The child object must be obtained using the Describe method, otherwise, it returns null. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
PropertyPatternThe input pattern, for example, a phone number. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IEditFieldCommon)
PropertyPlaceholderThe hint text that is displayed in the edit box until a value is entered into it. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IEditBase)
PropertyRoleThe object's role property. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebElement)
PropertyRowsCountThe number of rows. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IEditFieldCommon)
PropertySizeThis object's size in pixels. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ILocationInfoProvider)
PropertyStylesReturns the element's computed styles as a dictionary with the name of the style as the key. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebTestObject)
PropertyTagNameThe object's HTML tag. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebTestObject)
PropertyTitleThe element's title attribute. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebTestObject)
PropertyTypeThe type of object as defined in the HTML input tag. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IEditFieldCommon)
PropertyValueThe current text in this field. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IEditBase)
PropertyXPathReturns this element's XPath. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebElement)
Public Methods
MethodClickClicks on this object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.IClickable)
MethodDescribe<TChild>Creates a child test object of this test object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObjectDescriber)
MethodDoubleClickClicks on the this object twice. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebElement)
MethodDragAndDropOnDrags and drops a test object to the specified target object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ISupportDragAndDrop)
MethodExistsChecks whether this object exists in the AUT before the default object synchronization timeout elapses. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodFindChildren<TChild>Returns all the child test objects that match the specified test object type and description filter. For example, you can use this method to retrieve all Web buttons on a Page with type="submit". (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodFireEventTriggers the specified event on this object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebElement)
MethodGetAttributeReturns the value of a single attribute. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebTestObject)
MethodGetComputedStyleReturns the value of a single style. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebTestObject)
MethodGetDescriptionReturns a clone of the description for this test object. The test object must be obtained using the Describe method, otherwise, this method returns null. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodGetSnapshotCaptures a bitmap of this test object and returns a System.Drawing.Image of it. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodGetTextLocationsReturns all rectangle areas containing the specified text within this object (Windows only). (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodGetVisibleTextReturns all visible text from this object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodHighlightHighlights this object in the AUT. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodHighlightMatches<TChild>Highlights all children that match the specified test object type and description filter. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodHoverTapWhen hover is supported, places the pointer on this object. Otherwise, taps this object at the specified location. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebElement)
MethodLongPressPresses and holds this object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebElement)
MethodPanPerforms a pan gesture on this object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebElement)
MethodPinchPerforms a pinch gesture of the specified scale on this object. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebElement)
MethodSetDescriptionReplaces this test object's description with the supplied description. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodSetValueSets the value in the field.  
MethodSwipeSwipes this object in the specified direction. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.Web.IWebElement)
MethodVerifyImageExistsChecks whether a snapshot of this object contains the supplied image. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)
MethodVerifyImageMatchChecks whether a snapshot of this object and the supplied image are a match, given the specified pixel and RGB tolerance values. (Inherited from HP.LFT.SDK.ITestObject)