HP.LFT.SDK Namespace

Provides the SDK for core functionality.
ClassAppModelBase Base class of all generated Application Model classes.
ClassAppModelNodeBase<T,TDescription> Base class for all container sub-classes generated under the Application Model class.
ClassAs The class used to support regular expressions.
ClassBase64ImageStringConverter Class used to convert System.Drawing.Image images to base-64 stream representations and vice versa.
ClassClickArgs A structure defining operations that can be specified in a Click operation.
ClassDateRange A range of dates used for month calendar controls that support multi-selection.
ClassDescription The base class for all Description classes that support the index and Visual Relation Identifier (VRI) test object properties.
ClassDescriptionException Exceptions raised when errors are encountered in the description of a test object.
ClassDesktop A top-level Window or Dialog test object.
ClassDragAndDropArgs Class defining the behavior for drag and drop operations.
ClassEmptySessionIdException The exception that is thrown when the runtime engine receives an empty session ID.


An object describing the environment that the test requires, in capability name-value pairs.


A class for creating a DesktopEnvironment instance.
ClassFunctionKeys Supplies constants representing the Function keyboard keys(F1-F12), which can be used in the input parameter string of the ISupportSendKeys.SendKeys method.
ClassGeneralLeanFtException Represents general errors that occur when working with OpenText Functional Testing for Developers.
ClassGeneralReplayException Represents general errors that occur when running a testing project.
ClassGeneralServerErrorException Represents general errors that occur in the runtime engine.
ClassInvalidAgentException The exception that is thrown when the runtime engine receives a message with an invalid agent field value.
ClassInvalidFormatException The exception that is thrown when the runtime engine receives a message with an invalid format.
ClassInvalidMessageFieldException The exception that is thrown when the runtime engine receives a message with an invalid field value.
ClassInvalidVersionException The exception that is thrown when the runtime engine receives a message with an invalid version.
ClassKeyboard A class that enables low-level keyboard device operations.
ClassKeys Supplies constants representing keyboard keys, which can be used in the input parameter string of the ISupportSendKeys.SendKeys method.
ClassLabNotConnectedException The exception that is thrown when the runtime engine is not connected to the expected Lab.
ClassLocation Provides a location (relative to an object in the application) for operations that support it. For example, the Click method uses the Location structure to determine where inside this object to perform the click.
ClassLocationProperty Class for defining a test object's location property.
ClassMessageTypeNotSupportedException The exception that is thrown when the runtime engine receives a message type that is not supported.
ClassMobileCenterNotConnectedException The exception that is thrown when the runtime engine is not connected to Digital Lab.
ClassMouse A class that enables low-level mouse device operations.


The exception that is thrown when a grid finds a node with the requested capabilities but it is currently locked.


The exception that is thrown when a grid cannot find a node with the requested capabilities.
ClassObjectCookieNotFoundException The exception that is thrown when a test object cookie is not found in the runtime engine.
ClassPropertiesDescription The base of all test object descriptions. It is a collection of properties and values.
ClassRegExpProperty The class used for regular expression properties.
ClassReplayArgumentOutOfRangeException The exception that is thrown when a method argument value is outside the valid value range for the method.
ClassReplayBrowserNotInstalledException The exception that is thrown when the specified browser type is not installed on the machine running the test.
ClassReplayItemNotFoundException The exception that is thrown when an item of the object in the current step is not found in the AUT.
ClassReplayItemNotUniqueException The exception that is thrown when an item of the object in the current step can't be uniquely identified in the AUT.
ClassReplayObjectDisabledException The exception that is thrown when the object in the current step is disabled in the AUT.
ClassReplayObjectNotFoundException The exception that is thrown when an object with the specified test object description is not found in the AUT.
ClassReplayObjectNotUniqueException The exception that is thrown when a test object's description is not sufficient to uniquely identify an object in the AUT.
ClassReplayObjectNotVisibleException The exception that is thrown when an object with the specified test object description is not visible in the AUT.
ClassReplayParentMissingException The exception that is thrown when a parent of the test object in the current step is not found in the AUT.
ClassReplayTimeoutException The exception that is thrown when a timeout occurs while attempting to run a step.
ClassScrollProperty The class used for scrollbar properties.
ClassSDK The OpenText Functional Testing for Developers SDK base class.
ClassSdkConfiguration Class for defining the SDK configuration information. This class is supplied for the SDK.SDK.Init method.
ClassServerAlreadyInRecordModeException The exception that is thrown when the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers engine receives a start record request when it is already in record mode.
ClassServerIsShuttingDownException The exception that is thrown when an attempt to access the runtime engine occurs while the engine is shutting down.
ClassSessionNotFoundExceptionException The exception that is thrown when the runtime engine receives an unknown session ID.
ClassSizeProperty The size properties of a test object.
ClassStringProperty The class used for string properties.
ClassTechnologyNotSupportedException The exception that is thrown when a technology is not supported.
ClassTestObjectExtensions Class for extension methods of the TestObject class
ClassTopLevelObjectNodeBase<T,TDescription> This class is used by 'Application Model Code Generator' as the base class for all container classes.
ClassTypeNotRegisteredException The exception thrown when a test object type is not registered.
ClassVideoData An object that holds video binary data.
ClassVisualRelation Class representing Visual Relations Identifier (VRI) data. Each VisualRelation class contains a reference to a test object, and up to three possible relations: horizontal relation, vertical relation, and proximity relation.
ClassVriDescriptionException Exceptions raised when errors are encountered in the VRI description of test objects.
InterfaceIAut An abstraction of an AUT process launched by the user.
InterfaceICalendarBase Base interface for Calendar test objects.
InterfaceIClickable Indicates that this object can be clicked.
InterfaceIDescription Interface for a class to be used as a test object description.


Represents an environment on which OpenText Functional Testing for Developers performs test operations.
InterfaceIDoubleClickable Indicates that this object can be double-clicked.

Indicates that a test object supports the IsEnabled property.

InterfaceIEnvironment Base interface for AUT environments.
InterfaceIItemTextRepresentationProvider Provides the text representation of an item, which can be used for relevant properties of a test object description.


An interface that provides low-level keyboard operations.
InterfaceILocationInfoProvider Indicates that a test object supports accessing properties of its location on the screen.
InterfaceIMenuItemBase Base interface for all MenuItem interfaces in SDK.


An interface that provides low-level mouse operations.
InterfaceIScrollable Represents test objects that support scrolling.
InterfaceISdkConfiguration Interface for defining the configuration information for the SDK.
InterfaceISupportDragAndDrop A test object that supports drag and drop.
InterfaceISupportSendKeys A test object that supports the SendKeys(String,KeyModifier) method.
InterfaceISupportsNativeObject A test object that supports accessing the native application object.
InterfaceITestObject Base interface for all test objects.
InterfaceITestObjectDescriber Base interface for all classes that support describing test objects.
InterfaceITopLevelObject A top-level test object that can be described from the Desktop, such as a StdWin, WinForms, or WPF IWindow.
InterfaceIUiObjectBase Base interface for all UiObjects in all technologies.

Indicates that a test object supports the IsVisible property.

StructureScrollInfo Structure representing the properties of a scroll bar.
EnumerationCheckedState Check box states.
EnumerationDateFormatType Date string types.
EnumerationHorizontalVisualRelation The horizontal location of the related test object relative to the object to identify. See the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers Help Center for a diagram that illustrates the way OpenText Functional Testing for Developers interprets visual relations and the boundaries that are used for determining in-line related objects.
EnumerationKeyboard.Keys Keys which can be used in sending keyboards events.
EnumerationKeyModifier Represents keyboard keys that can be pressed and held down during the execution of a method, such as the SendKeys method.
EnumerationMouseButton The mouse button to use for mouse operations.
EnumerationOrientation The visual orientation of an object.
EnumerationPosition Indicates the position for an offset relative to this object in the application.
EnumerationProximityVisualRelation The distance or hierarchical location of the related test object relative to the object to identify. See the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers Help Center for more details on VRI.
EnumerationScrollOrientation Represents the scroll bar orientation.
EnumerationScrollType The type of scrolling operation.
EnumerationSDKMode Indicates which mode the runtime engine uses for test runs.
EnumerationSwipeDirection Swipe direction.
EnumerationVerticalScrollPosition The position of the vertical scroll bar.
EnumerationVerticalVisualRelation The vertical location of the related test object relative to the object to identify. See the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers Help Center for a diagram that illustrates the way OpenText Functional Testing for Developers interprets visual relations and the boundaries that are used for determining in-line related objects.
EnumerationVideoFormat Formats which can be used in VideoData construction.
EnumerationWindowExtendedStyles Extended window styles as defined in the Windows API.
EnumerationWindowState The window state.
EnumerationWindowStyles Window styles as defined in the Windows API.

See also: