Install UFT Developer license on Linux/Mac

On Linux/Mac machines, install seat or concurrent licenses directly in a terminal.

Note: You must have ROOT user permissions to install the license.

  1. In a terminal, change to the <UFT_Developer_installdir>/Tools directory.


    Linux: cd /opt/uftdeveloper/Tools

    Mac: cd /Applications/UFTDeveloper/Tools

  2. Run the License Installer, license-installer, appending the relevant command and set of parameters:

    Action Commands and parameters
    Verify status and locking code

    Run the License Installer, appending: status

    Example: ./license-installer status

    Help Run the License Installer, appending: help

    Example: ./license-installer help

    Seat license
    Install a seat license

    Run the License Installer, appending: seat "<license>"

    The license can be a license key or the path to a license key file.

    Example: ./license-installer seat "/home/user/license.txt"

    If you enter a license key that includes a quotation mark ("), add a backslash (\) character before the quotation mark.

    Concurrent license
    Verify the available licenses on the server

    Run the License Installer, appending: licenses <license server name/IP address>

    The available licenses are displayed by unique license ID and license version.

    Example: ./license-installer licenses

    Install a concurrent license
    1. Run the License Installer to verify the available licenses on the server on the AutoPass license server, as described above.

      The available licenses are displayed by unique license ID and license version.

    2. Select one of the licenses and run license-installer again, this time appending the following command and parameters:

      concurrent <license ID> <version> <license server name/IP address

      where license ID and version are the unique ID and version of the license you want to use.

      Example: ./license-installer concurrent 12345 1

    Modify server connection protocol

    Run the License Installer, appending:

    • Primary license server:config protocol.primary <protocol>
    • Secondary license server: config protocol.second <protocol>

    where <protocol> is http or https as needed.

    Example: ./license-installer config protocol.primary https

    Install a remote commuter license


    UFT Developer 2022 and later.

    (UFT Developer 23.4 or later required if working with AutoPass versions 2022.08 or later)

    1. Run the License Installer to verify the available licenses on the server on the AutoPass license server, as described above.

      The available licenses are displayed by unique license ID and license version.

    2. Select one of the licenses and generate a license checkout request file by running the license-installer again, appending:

      remotecommuter <licenseId> <version> <days> <license_download_path> <serverName>


      license ID and version. The unique ID and version of the license you want to use.

      days. The number of days for which you need the license.

      license_download_path. The location at which to generate the license checkout request file.

      serverName. The hostname or IP address of the license server, and optionally, the port number (default = 5814).

      Example:  ./license-installer remotecommuter 70341 1 5 ~/Downloads/lic.lcor MyLicenseServer

    3. Use the license checkout request file to check out a license from the server and receive a license key file.

      This step must be performed by a license server administrator or a user with access permissions to the license server.

      In the AutoPass web-based client, under the Remote Commuter Check Out section, upload the license checkout request file to the AutoPass license server.

      Download the license key file (license.txt) the server provides, and copy it to the UFT Developer computer.

    4. Install the license on your UFT Developer machine by running the license-installer one more time, appending: remotecommuter <license_install_file>


      license_install_file. The path to the license key file obtained in the previous step.

      Example:  ./license-installer remotecommuter "/home/user/license.txt"

    Return a remote commuter license

    When you are done with a license, return it back to the license server for re-use. Run the License Installer, appending remotecommuter clear to clear all remote commuter licenses:

    ./license-installer remotecommuter clear