Flutter SDK apps

Record and replay packaged Android and iOS apps developed with the Google Flutter SDK. The topic explains how to prepare your app for testing on iOS devices. Note that Flutter is currently supported on iOS version 11 and later.

Prepare your project

Before starting, configure your project in Xcode.

To prepare your project:

  1. Open your Flutter project in Xcode and select the name of your project.
  2. In your project's target, select Build Settings.
  3. Search for TRACK_WIDGET_CREATION. Verify that the value is set to true.

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Build your Flutter project

Create an .app file by building your project.

To build your Flutter project:

  1. In Terminal, change directory to your Flutter project directory.
  2. Run the following command:
    Copy code
    flutter build iOS --debug
  3. On successful completion of the build, an .app file (Default: Runner.app) will be created.

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Sign and package the app file

If you have set up the packaging service and have configured UFT Mobile to automatically package apps on upload, when you upload your Flutter app it will packaged automatically.

Alternatively, you can use the latest version of the iOS Enabler to manually package the runner app.

To manually package the runner app with iOS Enabler: 

  1. Select AUT mode.

  2. Provide the paths to your .app file and to the UFT mobile dylib.

  3. Click Run to generate a packaged .ipa file.

You can now use the .ipa file for testing.

For more details on using the iOS Enabler, see Package an iOS app manually with the iOS Enabler.

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