License installation and management

To work with Digital Lab, you require a valid license. The license installation and management process is determined by your Digital Lab environment.

In this topic:


The license installation and management process is determined by your Digital Lab environment.

UFT Digital Lab comes with a 45-day trial license, activated on the date that you install the software. After the trial period, you need to install a valid license to continue working with Digital Lab.

The following table summarizes where to install your license if applicable, and how to manage license quota:

  Are shared spaces enabled? Install license Manage quotas

UFT Digital Lab

Express, Pro License Administration menu
Enterprise, Ultimate,Trial License Administration menu Allocate quota to workspaces
Enterprise, Ultimate,Trial License Operator console

Allocate quota to shared spaces

Allocate quota to workspaces

UFT Digital Lab Managed SaaS

Not applicable Allocate quota to workspaces
ValueEdge Digital Lab Not applicable Allocate quota to workspaces

Managed Service Provider (MSP)

Operator console

Allocate quota to shared spaces

MSP customer Not applicable Allocate quota to workspaces

For more details about shared spaces, see Shared spaces.

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License types

Digital Lab has two types of licenses:

Concurrent license

This license is based on concurrency. The following table summarizes how the license works:

UFT Digital Lab

This license type is based on concurrent use of devices. You can connect as many devices as you want to Digital Lab. However, the number of devices that can use Digital Lab at the same time (regardless of the type of activity on the devices) is determined by the license capacity.

This license is installed in the Digital Lab License Management screen.

UFT Digital Lab Managed SaaS

This license type is based on concurrent use of devices. You can connect as many devices as you want to Digital Lab. However, the number of devices that can use Digital Lab at the same time (regardless of the type of activity on the devices) is determined by the license capacity.

ValueEdge Digital Lab This license type is based on concurrent use of devices or Digital Lab cloud browsers. You can connect as many devices or browsers as you want to Digital Lab. However, the number of devices or browsers that can use Digital Lab at the same time (regardless of the type of activity) is determined by the license capacity.

Device hours license

This license type is based on usage time. The following table summarizes the various time-based licenses and how they work:

Public device hours

Note: A concurrent license must also be installed. However, when using a public device, license capacity is consumed from the public device hours license and not from the concurrent license.

  • UFT Digital Lab and UFT Digital Lab Managed SaaS : The total usage time of public devices/cloud browsers is limited by the number of usage hours purchased.
  • ValueEdge Digital Lab: The total usage time of public devices is limited by the number of usage hours purchased.
MSP device hours The total usage time of devices is limited by the number of usage hours purchased. This device hours license is available only for Managed Service Providers.
ADM Consumption token license This is a single license that can used for multiple Application Delivery Management products.
Note: The ADM consumption token license is not supported for shared spaces.

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License modes

This section is relevant only for UFT Digital Lab.

Digital Lab has two license modes:

License mode Use this mode when using ...
  • Concurrent license

  • Public device hours license

  • MSP Device hours license

  • ADM consumption token license

To switch between license modes:

You can switch between the two license modes, if you have a valid license. To switch, on the right-hand side of the License Management screen, select the license mode and click ACTIVATE. You can only use one license mode at a time.


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Get your license key

This section is relevant only for UFT Digital Lab.

Customers with a valid order number access their entitlements to software activations and downloads in the Software Licenses and Downloads (SLD) portal . For assistance, refer to the videos and quick start guide available on the portal, or contact a regional licensing support center or your sales representative.

For the different license editions available, and the functionality included with each, see UFT Digital Lab editions.

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Install your license

This section is relevant only for UFT Digital Lab.

After you obtain your license key, you install it in the following location:

License type Where to install
Concurrent devices

UFT Digital Lab only:

License Management screen.

Device hours Autopass server

To install a concurrent devices license:

  1. Open License Management.
    Navigate to the Lab console http/s://<Digital Lab server IP address>:<server port> and log in with your credentials:

    Administration menu

    Click Administration in the right of the masthead, and select the Licenses tab. In the left panel, select License Management.

    Accessing the menu requires a shared space admin role.

    Operator console

    Open the Operator console and select the Licenses tab. In the left panel, select License Management.

    Accessing the console requires an operator role.

  2. In the License Management screen, click +, and add the license in one of the following ways:
    • Click Upload file to select the .dat file containing the license.
    • Paste the license string into the text box. Click Upload text to send the new license to the server.

    If you upload two licenses of the same type, their capacity is combined. The expiration date displayed in the Active section is that of the license that expires first.

To install a device hours license:

  1. Refer to Support matrix for the required version of AutoPass License server. Download the installation from the ITOM Marketplace (may require login).
  2. Install the AutoPass License Server and upload your Digital Lab license to it. For more details, such as managing licenses, see the AutoPass License server documentation.
  3. Complete the AutoPass details in the Digital Lab Administration > SettingsAutoPass License server configuration. For details, see Administration settings or Global settings (if shared spaces are enabled). After you do this, you can view the license details in Licenses > License Management.

LDAP: You are prompted to log out and log in. Log in using the admin@default user and click Activate. When you log in again with your LDAP user, the license is updated.

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License management

This section is relevant only for UFT Digital Lab .

In License Management you can view information relating to your licenses, such as the number of active licenses, their expiration dates, capacity, and the type of license.

Administration menu Click Administration in the right of the masthead, and select the Licenses tab. In the left panel, select License Management.
Operator console

Open the Operator console and select the Licenses tab. In the left panel, select License Management.

Note: An operator role is required to access to the Operator console.

When a license is about to expire, a notification is displayed in the masthead .

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License quotas overview

Allocate license quota to ensure that shared spaces/workspaces have adequate license capacity available. For example, you may want to allocate more license capacity to a specific shared space/workspace during peak testing time, or limit another from consuming excessive license capacity.


  • Quota allocation is relevant only for concurrent and MSP device hours licenses.

  • UFT Digital Lab: Shared spaces and quota allocation are available only with a Trial, Enterprise, or Ultimate license. For more details, see UFT Digital Lab editions.

License capacity quotas can be allocated as follows:

Product Shared spaces enabled? Quota allocations
UFT Digital Lab

License capacity is based on concurrent devices. If MSP mode is enabled, capacity is based on MSP device hours.

Allocate quota to shared spaces

Allocate quota to workspaces

Allocate quota to workspaces

UFT Digital Lab Managed SaaS

License capacity is based on concurrent devices.

Not applicable Allocate quota to workspaces
ValueEdge Digital Lab

License capacity is based on concurrent devices and cloud browsers.

Not applicable Allocate quota to workspaces

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Allocate quota to shared spaces

This section is relevant only for UFT Digital Lab.


  • Quota allocation is relevant only for concurrent and MSP device hours licenses.

  • Quota Allocation is available only with a Trial, Enterprise, or Ultimate license. For more details, see UFT Digital Lab editions.

When shared spaces are enabled and you install a Digital Lab license, the total license capacity is available for allocation across all shared spaces. The operator can allocate all, or part, of the available quantity. However, capacity that is not allocated cannot be consumed.

After the operator has allocated quota to a specific shared space, the administrator of that shared space can then allocate the available quota to workspaces within the shared space. For details, see Allocate quota to workspaces.

To allocate license quotas to shared spaces:

To set, view, and adjust the license quota allocation per shared space, select Quota Allocation in the left panel of the LICENSES tab of the Operator console. The grid provides an overview of license capacity. You can view the total capacity, the quota allocated to each shared space, and the consumption status for all shared spaces.

Ultimate License: Capacity is unlimited. However, you can restrict usage for a shared space by setting a fixed quota for consumption. When you create a new shared space with an Ultimate license, allocate license capacity by entering a fixed capacity for consumption, or switch the toggle to unlimited.

To change the license quota allocation:

The operator can change the allocation at any stage, however, shared space quota cannot be reduced to less than the amount already consumed. To change the quota allocated to a shared space, select Quota Allocation in the left panel of the LICENSES tab of the Operator console, and adjust the quota allocated.

Keep in mind the following considerations:

Concurrent license Running tests are allowed to complete before the allocation change takes effect.
MSP device hours
  • Within a shared space, the amount is deducted from the general bucket. If the number of device hours in the general bucket is not sufficient, capacity needs to be deallocated from workspaces before this change can take effect.

  • Workspaces/shared spaces that consumed MSP devices hours and were then deleted are not listed in the license quota table. However, the device hours allocated and consumed by these deleted workspaces/shared spaces are included in the totals in the license quota table.  

Allocate quota to workspaces

The total license capacity for allocation across workspaces is added to the General bucket.

UFT Digital Lab: When shared spaces are enabled, the total capacity available to a specific shared space is determined by the quota allocation at the operator level. For details, see Allocate quota to shared spaces .


  • Quota allocation is relevant only for concurrent and MSP device hours licenses.

  • UFT Digital Lab: Quota Allocation is available only with a Trial, Enterprise, or Ultimate license. For more details, see UFT Digital Lab editions.

  • ValueEdge Digital Lab: Concurrency refers to both devices and cloud browsers. The total number of devices or browsers in use at the same time cannot exceed the total license capacity.

A shared space admin can allocate license quotas to workspaces. After the quota has been allocated to a specific workspace, users can start using devices in that workspace.

General bucket

The general bucket provides a buffer for peak times, enabling a workspace to continue testing without interruption, even if the license quota for that workspace has been reached. To allow a workspace to consume additional license capacity from the General bucket after it reaches its quota, switch the general bucket toggle to Allowed. If you do not allocate license quota to a specific workspace and you restrict that workspace from consuming from the general bucket, users assigned to the workspace are not be able use devices.

To allocate license quotas to workspaces:

Select Quota Allocation in the left panel of the Licenses tab of the Administration menu , and set or adjust the allocation for the workspaces in your shared space.

The grid provides an overview of license consumption. View the quota allocated to each workspace, as well as how many licenses are being consumed from a workspace and from the general bucket at any point in time.

Note: If the only active license is the ADM Consumption Token license, the Quota Allocation tab is disabled.

License consumption when using quotas

When connecting to Digital Lab, you connect to a specific Digital Lab workspace. You can only select devices and apps from this specific workspace, or from the Shared assets. When you connect within the context of a specific workspace, the license is consumed from the quota of that workspace (even if the device selected is a shared device). If no devices or apps were assigned to your workspace, you can access those in the Shared assets.

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Clock tampering

This section is relevant only for UFTDigital Lab.

A clock is said to be tampered with when the current access time is earlier than the last access time. The current access time is the current time in the system when the license key is being used, reported, or acted on in the license store. The last access time is the last time the license key was used, reported, or acted on in the license store.

If Digital Lab detects clock tampering, you are no longer be able to log into Digital Lab. Any new license that you upload is ineffective.

To allow your license to be usable after clock tampering:

  1. Stop the server.
  2. Return the clock to the original date before the change.
  3. Start the server.

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See also: