Audit entities (technical preview)

Site and space admins can view changes made to entities using the audits resource. Using this resource you can monitor enterprise-readiness, such as viewing regulatory activities, such as security and GDPR compliance.


Use the audits resource to view activities that relate to GDPR compliance and security regulations. This resource retrieving more audit information than is available in the History tabs in the user interface.

The audits resources is not entity-based, so you can audit across multiple entities.

Site and space admins can audit entities on the site, space, and workspace levels, assuming the following:

  • The admin has the appropriate roles and permissions for the contexts.

  • Auditing is supported for the relevant entities. To determine which entities can be audited, see the non-auditable feature under Entity metadata reference.

This resource is available to all site and space admins, even those with data access restrictions.

Auditing of the following operations is supported: Create, Update, and Delete.

Note: As a technical preview, this resource is subject to change.

To prevent retrieving huge numbers of records the resource is limited by default to 10,000 records. This limit can be lowered using the configuration parameter MAX_LIMIT_ELASTIC. The limit cannot be raised.

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Depending on the context, the URIs for auditing are as follows.





Examples of entities that can be audited in this context include workspaces, users, and api access.

Shared area



Examples of entities that can be audited in this context include releases.



Examples of entities that can be audited in this context include teams, work items, and tests.

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Adding queries to audit requests

We add queries to filter how much information is returned by the audit. The following clauses are available:

Caution: If no query is supplied, all operations for all entities are returned. Therefore, for performance, we recommend that you always add a query clause to the request.

Use a semicolon to separate the clauses in the query. This represents the And relational operator.

You can query on the following items.

Query item Description


You can audit by entity type, such as teams, features, or pipelines.

Configuration parameters: To audit configuration parameters, use the following entity type name: configuration_parameter

To see the entities you can audit, see the non-auditable feature under Entity metadata reference.


You can audit by the ID of the entity.


You can audit changes made to a specific field of an entity.

To see which fields are available, see the non-auditable feature under Field metadata reference.


You can audit the following actions: 

  • create

  • update

  • delete


You can request the changes made by a specific user.

Enter the user ID without quotes, as user IDs are integers.

Note: Every user has two IDs. If you are on the auditing on the site level, specify the site user ID. If you are auditing on the space or workspace level, make sure to specify the space user ID.

Example: This query indicates that we are auditing all the updates that user 8987 made to the Severity field of the story whose ID is 2004

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Here are some examples for working with the audits resource.

Auditing deletions made during a specific time frame

This example demonstrates how to see all the entities that were deleted since the beginning of the year 2019.

GET .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/workspaces/<workspace_id>/audits?query="action EQ ^delete^;timestamp GE ^2019-01-01T20:59:59Z^"

Auditing a workspace-level entity at various stages

In this example, a workspace admin audits an epic with ID 1125. The response shows its creation, updates made to the epic, and its deletion.

Note: It is not enough to specify the entity_id. There may be other entity types, such as user stories or features, with the same entity ID. Therefore, make sure to also specify the type of the entity.


GET .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/workspaces/<workspace_id>/audits?query="entity_type EQ ^epic^;entity_id EQ 1125"


Auditing a release, which is a "shared_area" space-level entity common to all workspaces

In this example, a workspace admin audits a release with ID 1001.

The shared_area context is a special area in a space that contains shared assets.

GET .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/shared_area/audits?query="entity_type EQ ^release^;entity_id EQ 1001"

Auditing a workspace, which is a shared, space-level entity

In this example, a space admin audits all operations on all workspaces.

GET .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/workspaces/<workspace_id>/audits?query="entity_type EQ ^workspace^"

Auditing a specific user's activities

This example demonstrates how to get the history for all the actions performed by user 2002, Marta Santora.

GET .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/workspaces/<workspace_id>/audits?query="user_id EQ 2002"

Auditing multiple attributes

This example demonstrates how to audit all updates that user 8987 made to the Severity field of the story whose ID is 2004

GET .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/workspaces/<workspace_id>/audits?query="entity_type EQ ^story^;entity_id EQ 2004;field_name EQ ^severity^;action EQ ^update^;user_id EQ 8987"

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See also: