Get the comments for my manual tests

The following flow demonstrates how to get a list of the comments for manual tests assigned to me. I do not want to see comments for Gherkin tests.

Entity relationship diagram

We need to access the following entities for this flow, and understand the relationships between these entities.

Relationship diagram for the tests entity.

The following shows the relations in the flow.

Entity Relationships in this flow Description of relationship Reference / relationship fields
Tests Manual Tests, Gherkin Tests, and Test Suites This aggregate resource collection represents types of tests, including manual, Gherkin, test suites, and automated. subtype
Manual Tests Tests

The manual test is a subtype of the tests aggregate resource collection.

The manual test can also be accessed in the manual_tests resource collection.

There is no field that relates back to the aggregate resource collection, tests.

Manual Tests Workspace Users A manual test can be assigned an owner. owner
Manual Tests Comments A manual test can have 0 or more comments. comments

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Let's create the REST API call step-by-step.

  1. We can start by listing all the manual tests in the workspace. When using the manual_tests resource collection, no Gherkin tests, or other tests, are returned.

    GET .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/workspaces/<workspace_id>/manual_tests

  2. Let's build our query_clause. We are only interested in manual tests that are assigned to me, and my ID is 1001.

    GET .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/workspaces/<workspace_id>/manual_tests?query="owner EQ {id EQ 1001}"

  3. Now let's build our fields clause. Some fields are not returned by default unless specifically requested, such as comments. This is for performance optimization. So to see comments, we must explicitly specify this field for it to appear in the response.

    GET .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/workspaces/<workspace_id>/manual_tests?query="owner EQ {id EQ 1001}"&fields=comments

The complete REST API call for this flow is: 

GET .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/workspaces/<workspace_id>/manual_tests?query="owner EQ {id EQ 1001}"&fields=comments

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See also: