User preferences

Set your personal system preferences.

Set personal preferences

Specify the language and theme in which your user interface is displayed. You can also add an image to your profile.

To set your preferences:

  1. In the banner, click the user icon.

    The Name, Email, and Phone are set by the admin.

  2. Change the following settings, as necessary:

    Setting Options

    Choose your preferred language for the user interface labels.

    Click Update to apply the language.

    The language change takes effect the next time you log in or refresh the browser.

    The default language is set by the space admin.

    Theme Choose the Standard or High Contrast theme for bright surroundings.
  3. Click Change to upload a profile image.

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Set preferred behaviors

In the banner, click the Settings button and set the following user preferences:

Option Details
Email me when I am mentioned in a comment

If turned on, sends you email notifications whenever other users mention you in comments through the @ notation.

Use Sprinter to run manual tests If turned on, manual tests are run in Sprinter rather than in the Manual Runner. For details see Run manual tests in Sprinter.
Display graphs in tabular format as default

If turned on, dashboard graphs are displayed in the form of tables with values in each cell.

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Change your password

This section describes how to change your password.

To change your password:

  1. To change your password, open the MyAccount site.

  2. Go to SettingsMy Authentication Settings and change your password.

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Date formats

The date format is set by the language or locale set in your browser.

If the date format is not what you expect, check your browser's language and locale settings.

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See also: