
Use the global search to find any item in your workspace across all modules, or search within a grid or a tree.

Perform a global search

Use the global search to find an item in any area of your current workspace. The following fields are searchable: ID, Name, Description. The admin can also define custom fields as searchable.

To perform a global search:

  1. Click the Search button in the banner.

  2. Enter a search term. You can use special characters and wildcards. For details, see Special characters and wildcards.

    Tip: Paste a direct link to an item into the search box to open the item.

  3. The search results are grouped by item type. To show all results for a specific item type, click the item type header in the search results.

  4. To refine your search, click the Search Settings button in the search box and do the following:

    • Select specific item types to include in the search.
    • Set the Include Searchable Fields switch to choose whether to include custom searchable fields. For details, see Searchable fields.

Searchable fields

The admin defines which custom fields are searchable in the global search. For details, see Custom fields.

When including custom searchable fields in global searches, note the following:

  • After the admin has defined a field as searchable, the field data must be indexed. As a result, search results for the field are not available immediately.
  • When Include Searchable Fields is on, global search performance may be impacted, especially when using long or complex search phrases. The admin can set the default setting for the Include Searchable Fields switch using the SEARCH_ALL_SEARCHABLE_BY_DEFAULT parameter. For details, see Configuration parameters.

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Special characters and wildcards

You can use special characters and wildcards in your search. These can be helpful if, for example, you want to search for a string in the middle of a word.

Special characters

Some special characters are indexed by default, meaning they are part of the searchable text. If the text you want to find includes an indexed special character, you can include it in your search term.

Other special characters are not indexed by default, and are treated as a space (word break).

The following table lists the indexed and non-indexed special characters.

Character type Characters
Indexed special characters .~@#£€$¢¥§%°^()-_{}[]<>
Non-indexed special characters `’!&+=|/:;”,?*\

Example: To find [CPE], you can search for [cpe, because the square bracket [ is indexed. Searching for cpe alone does not return the required result, because you cannot search for a string in the middle of a word.

You can also use wildcards and search for ?cpe or *cpe.


You can use wildcard symbols in your search terms.

  • To search for any number of characters, use the asterisk (*) character.

  • To search for any single character, use the question mark (?) character.

By default, wildcard symbols are not indexed. They can only function as wildcards, but not as part of the text you want to find.

Example: To find the word defect, you can search for ??fec or *fec, because the wildcards indicate that there are other characters before fec. Searching for fec alone does not return the word defect, because you cannot search for a string in the middle of a word.

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Search in a grid or tree

You can search for items in a grid or an entity tree.

Note: Only the displayed items in a grid or tree are included in the search. If an item is not displayed because a filter is applied, the item is not included in the search.

Grid search

In a grid, the searchable fields include the item name, ID, description, comments, and other fields depending on the item type. You can choose which of the fields to include in the search.

Grid search is not available when the grid is grouped.

To search in a grid:

  1. When viewing the grid you want to search, click the Search button in the grid toolbar.
  2. To choose which fields to include in the search, click the Search Settings button .
  3. Enter a search term. Items that match the search term are shown.

Tip: The purpose of the grid search is not to display a full set of results, but to quickly search for a small number of items. If you need full results, use the advanced filters to filter for the relevant items. For details, see Filters.

Entity tree search

In an entity tree, you can search for items throughout the hierarchy of the tree.

To search in an entity tree:

  1. Click the Search button in the entity tree pane.
  2. Enter a search term. Items that match the search term are shown.
  3. Click an item to highlight it in the tree and open its details.

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See also: