What's new in 24.1-24.3

This topic describes the new features available in the Functional Testing module.


This section describes the updates introduced in Functional Testing Design in the previous months.

July 2024

This update includes the following enhancements:

  • Automate manual tests

    Harness the power of AI and let OpenTextOpenText Core Software Delivery PlatformAviator generate automated codeless tests based on your existing manual ones.

    Open the generated codeless scripts in FT Design to review them and make final adjustments.

    When the scripts are ready, include their codeless tests in your scheduled test suite runs.

    For details, see Generate Codeless tests with Aviator.

  • Unassociate scripts

    You can now remove the association between a script and its codeless test or unit.

    After unassociating, you can create a new test or unit for the script by clicking Associate. Alternatively, you can create a new script for the test or unit by clicking Open in Design in the test or unit.

    For details, see Associate or unassociate your script.

  • Home page toolbar

    Select scripts on the Home page and use the new toolbar to perform the following tasks: 

    • Rename a script.

    • Delete or move one or more scripts.

    • Open a script's associated test or unit.

    For details, see Navigate Functional Testing Design.

June 2024

This update includes the following changes:

  • Use the new Enter action in your steps, to set a text value in an input field or text box. Unlike the Type action, Enter clears any previous text from the field before entering the new value. See Step syntax.

  • Rename an open script using the script's context menu.

    Click the down-arrow near the script's name in the Editor toolbar. See Navigate Functional Testing Design.

    Note: You can no longer rename the script during the process of associating it.

  • Installation updates: 

    • To install the Design Agent, you now need read and write permissions on the %programdata%\OpenText folder, rather than %programdata%\Micro Focus. See Required permissions.

    • For the supported versions of the Node.js installation prerequisite, see the Support Matrix. Node.js 16 is no longer supported.

May 2024

This update enables you to perform the following operations:

April 2024

This update enables you to perform the following operations:

  • Select multiple items to move or delete at once. You can select scripts, empty folders, and folders that contain subfolders and scripts.

  • Delete non-empty folders. All of their content is deleted as well.

See Navigate Functional Testing Design.

March 2024

This update enables you to store your scripts in folders.

  • Specify the script's name and location when you create the script.

  • Add, rename, or move a folder or subfolder. You can move or rename empty folders or folders that contain subfolders and scripts.

  • Delete empty folders.

  • Move a script from one folder to another. The script's location is updated in its associated test or unit.

See Navigate Functional Testing Design and Create a new script.

February 2024

This update enables you to perform the following operations:

  • Use a more flexible syntax for the Type action. In addition to "Type into [the] <object>", you can now use Type in and Type inside. See Step syntax.

January 2024

This update introduces the following capabilities:

When running a script, text recognition now supports the following languages:

French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Irish, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Welsh, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean.

These languages are supported in addition to the ones supported previously:

English, Afrikaans, Basque, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, Traditional Chinese.

For details on configuring the languages for text recognition in script runs, see Customize settings.

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Model-Based Testing

You can now use Selenium with TestNG to automate your Model-Based Testing units, in addition to UFT One actions and codeless scripts.

For details, see Model-Based Testing.

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This update introduces the following capabilities in Functional Testing Execution:

  •  Testing applications that are behind a firewall.

    A new tunneling solution allows you to configure Functional Testing Execution to run tests from the cloud on applications hosted on your local or private networks.

    For details, see Enable cloud execution.

  • You can now delete schedules and scheduled runs.

    For details, see Enable cloud execution.

  • You can now execute UFT One automated tests on mobile devices.

    For details, see Execution.

  • In the Scheduled Runs tab, you can now drill down to details on each suite run that is in progress, and see the duration and progress of its execution.

    For details, see Execution.

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See also: