Create a Vuser Script by Analyzing a Captured Traffic File
Note: This task is applicable to the following Vuser types: Web - HTTP/HTML, Flex, SAP - Web, and Siebel - Web.
This topic describes how to use an existing network traffic file (capture file) to generate a Vuser script. This method may be useful for creating Vuser scripts that emulate activity on mobile applications.
- HAR file entries must include the startedDateTime field.
- In addition to the procedure described below, you can create a Vuser script by right-clicking a captured traffic file (.pcap, .cap, .saz, or .har ) in Windows Explorer, and then selecting Create VuGen script.
Create a new Vuser script in VuGen.
Note that this functionality is available only for those Vuser protocols listed in the note at the top of this topic.
- Click Start Recording to open the Start Recording dialog box.
- From the list of Recording methods, select Captured Traffic File Analysis.
Locate and select your capture file (pcap, cap, saz (Fiddler), or har).
For details about creating a new capture file in a Windows, Linux, or mobile environment, see Create a PCAP file.
- Specify the client side filter. This is the IP address of the client whose traffic you want to use to generate the Vuser script. VuGen typically detects the client side filter by analyzing the capture file.
You can use the recording options to specify server side filters by clicking Recording Options > Mapping and Filtering.
Add a list of the SSL attributes for the servers being analyzed. Use the Add, Edit, and Remove buttons to manage the entries in the list. The Add button opens the Add SSL Attribute dialog box, allowing you to add a server and specify its IP address, port, certificate file, and password if required.
Note: The SSL attribute list is visible only after you select a pcap capture file that contains SSL data and requires a certificate. This list is not available for har and saz files — instead, configure the SSL through Fiddler.
- Click Start Recording. VuGen analyzes the capture file, and generates a Vuser script.
See also: