Install VTS

This topic describes how to install the Virtual Table Server (VTS).

Note: Micro Focus encourages you to ensure secure configuration and proper hardening of the VTS server—this is not provided by Micro Focus. You can use the useSSL configuration setting.

If you do not implement secure configuration and proper hardening, you may expose the system to increased security risks. You understand and agree to assume all associated risks and hold Micro Focus blameless for the same. It remains at all times solely the responsibility of the customer to assess their own regulatory and business requirements. Micro Focus does not represent or warrant that its products comply with any specific legal or regulatory standards applicable to the customer while conducting the customer's business.

VTS Windows installation

To install VTS on a Windows machine:

  1. If you have an older version of VTS installed, it must be uninstalled before continuing with the installation.

    If you are upgrading VTS from a version earlier than 2020 SP1, then export the VTS data into a CSV file before uninstalling the older version. For details, see Export data from the VTS table.

  2. Run the setupVTS.exe file located in the \Additional Components\Virtual Table Server folder in the installation media. The VTS Setup Wizard opens, displaying the welcome page.
  3. Follow the online instructions to complete the VTS installation.
  4. During the VTS installation process, the Configure VTS administration server screen appears. This screen lets you configure the VTS Administration server.

  5. In the Admin UI server port box, keep the default value, 4000.
  6. Click Next to continue with the installation. The Configure VTS screen appears.

  7. Specify where to save the VTS data file.
  8. Make sure that the Start Virtual Table Server Automatically check box is selected.
  9. Click Next, and then follow the wizard’s instruction to complete the VTS installation procedure.
  10. After installation, if you previously exported your older VTS data to a CSV file, you should now re-import it. For details, see Import from a CSV file.
  11. To use local VTS help, see Download help centers.

Note: At the end of the installation process, a shortcut for VTS is created and added to the Start menu, Micro Focus > Tools > Virtual Table Server.

This shortcut gives you access to the VTS user interface on the local machine. If you change the port that is used to access the VTS user interface, you must manually update the URL property of the shortcut. For details on how to change the VTS user interface access port, see Configure VTS.

If you are unable to access the VTS user interface, make sure that the VTS service is started. To start the VTS service, go to Control Panel > Systems & Security > Administration Tools > Services. Right-click VTS Service and select Start.

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VTS Linux installation

The system requirements for installing the Virtual Table Server on Linux is the same as for the Linux load generator. For details, see Support Matrix.

To install VTS on a Linux machine:

  1. Switch to super user.
  2. Change the directory to /<path_to_installer_dvd>/vts_linux_x64/.
  3. Launch the setup wizard: ./inst64.bin.
  4. Follow the online instructions to complete the VTS installation.
  5. During the VTS installation process, you can modify the Install folder, Link location, Admin UI server port, and the VTS data folder.
  6. After the installation, run VTS as a service. Run the service vts status command to check the VTS status.

Note: If you are unable to connect to the Linux VTS server, and Access from Script cannot be enabled from the UI, install the netstat utility on the server and restart the Linux VTS service.

To uninstall VTS from a Linux machine:

  1. Switch to super user.
  2. Change current directory to the installation directory: cd <path_to_installation_folder>/ _MF_VTS_Installation

  3. Launch the wizard: ./Change_MF_VTS_Installation
  4. Follow the online instructions to uninstall VTS.

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See also: