
Searches for a row containing specific values in specific columns. If more than one row meets the condition, the data from only one random row is returned.

C Language

VTCERR2 lrvtc_search_row ( char* columns, char* values, char* delimiter )

C# Language

void vts.search_row ( string columns, string values, string delimiter )

Java Language

int Lrvtc.search_row ( string columns, string values, string delimiter )
Query Functions


columnsThe names of the columns to search. The column names are separated by the delimiter.
valuesThe values of the columns to search. The values are separated by the delimiter.
delimiterThe character that separates the column names and values in the lists. If a string, rather than a single character, is passed in delimiter, the string as a whole is the delimiter.

Return Values

ProtocolReturn Value
C Language

0: If API call was successful but row not found.

1: If API call was successful and row found.

On call failure, one of the Error Codes.

C# Language

No return value.
Java Language

0: If API call was successful but row not found.

1: If API call was successful and row found.

On call failure, one of the Error Codes.

C Language Example

int rc;
rc = lrvtc_search_row("Column1;Column3", "val1;val3", ";");
if(rc == 1)
        lr_output_message("a row found");
#The found row data will be saved in parameters named by Column names.