Parameters for DevWeb

Using the Parameters window, you can define parameter values to use with DevWeb scripts.

For general information on parameterization, see Parameterization overview.

In this topic:

Defining DevWeb parameter values

Use the Parameters window to define and manage tables of values for your DevWeb parameters. You can define a new parameters file, or link to any existing CSV file.

Note: The language of your machine's locale settings must match the language of the parameters in the parameters file, otherwise unexpected characters might be displayed in the user interface.

For details on the Parameter window UI components, see DevWeb Parameters window.

To define parameter values for a DevWeb script:

  1. In Solution Explorer, double-click Parameters to open the Parameters window in the Editor pane.
  2. Click New Parameter in the left pane of the Parameters window to define the parameter name and parameter file, or to add the parameter to an existing file.
  3. Add rows and columns to the parameter table, and enter the parameter values in the table cells.

    Tip: You can copy and paste into multiple cells.

  4. To change the column associated with a parameter, select the parameter name, click the required column, and click Select Column.
  5. In the right pane of the Parameter window, define the data assignment behavior for the parameter.
  6. Open the script tab in the Editor pane, and parameterize the script to replace the hard-coded properties with the defined parameters. For example:

  7. Save the script.

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DevWeb Parameters window

The Parameters window has three panes, enabling you to manage the parameter content, and how the parameters are applied. When you open the window, it displays the parameter files that are already associated with the script.

The content of the panes are described in the following sections:

Parameter window - left pane

The left pane of the Parameters window enables you to manage the parameter files and parameters for your script. You can perform the following actions:

UI Element
New Parameter

Opens the New Parameter dialog box, where you define:

  • Parameter name. This must begin with a letter, and contain only alphanumeric characters and the symbol "_"
  • Parameter type. By default, this is set to File, the only type supported for DevWeb scripts.
  • File path. Create a new file for the parameter, or add the parameter to an existing data file:

    • Type a file name in the File path field to create a new parameters file that will contain the parameter. By default, the file is created in the script folder.
    • Click the Browse button. By default, the navigation window opens to the script folder.

      Create a new file, or select an existing ASCII data file to associate the data in that file with the current script. The data file can be within or outside of the script folder.

      Note: When you make changes to the table data in the Parameters window, the changes are made in the data file itself. So if the selected data file is also used by other scripts, the data changes will apply also for those scripts.

Rename Parameter

Opens the Rename Parameter dialog box, where you can rename the selected parameter.

Note: This option is for parameters only, not file names.

Import Parameters

Opens a file explorer window, where you can browse to the file to import.

You can import parameters into your script from other (non-DevWeb) scripts, by importing a VuGen parameter archive (.prz) file. For more information, see Export and import VuGen script parameters.

Delete Parameter/File

Deletes the selected parameter or file.

  • If you delete all parameters in a file, the parameter file is no longer associated with the script, and is removed from the Parameters window. However, the file itself remains in it's folder location, containing all definitions.

  • If you delete a file, the file is permanently deleted from the disk, along with all the parameters assigned to the file.

Parameter window - central pane

The center workspace displays a table where you can manage the values for the parameters in the parameter file. Here you can add rows and columns to the table, and type parameter values directly into the table cells.

The central pane enables you to perform the following actions:

UI Element
File Path

When a file name is selected in the left pane, you can change the File Path to point to a different data file. This adds all parameters from the selected file to the new target file.

By default, all parameters added to the new target file are associated with the first column in the file's data table. However, each parameter retains its associated data assignment behavior.

Select Column

Displayed when a parameter is selected in the left pane of the Parameters window.

New parameters are, by default, associated with the first column in the data table. To associate the parameter with a different column, click anywhere in the relevant column and click Select Column. This overwrites any previous values associated with the parameter.

When a parameter name is selected, the associated column is displayed with a blue line across the top of the column.

A column can be associated with more than one parameter.

Note: If you delete the column associated with a parameter, the association reverts to the first column in the table.

Add Row/Add Column

Adds an additional row or column. For new columns, you define a column name.

A page can hold up to 100 rows, and new pages are created automatically if the table passes the page limit. Use the arrows beside the page number at the bottom of the Parameters window to scroll through the pages.

Tip: You can use CTRL+C and CTRL+V to copy and paste multiple rows or columns.

Delete Row(s)/Delete Column(s)

Deletes the selected rows or columns. Select cells anywhere in the table to delete the entire rows or columns that contain those cells.

If there are multiple pages of tables, selected columns are deleted from all pages.

External Editor

Click to open the parameter file in the default editor on the machine.

You must close the file in the external editor before you can continue to work in the Parameters window. Changes to the data are automatically displayed in the Parameters window.

Parameter window - right pane

The right pane of the parameter window enables you to define data assignment behavior for a specific parameter. These behavior settings control how parameter values are allocated to Vusers during script execution.

The pane is displayed when a parameter is selected in the left pane.

UI Element
Next row selection

Defines the method for assigning each row of data to each Vuser. You can select a specific method, or define that the parameter use the same method and behavior as another parameter associated with the script (including parameters in different data files).

The available methods are Random, Sequential, and Unique. For information on these methods, see Data assignment methods for file-type parameters.

Update value on

Defines the update method to be used with the Next row selection method. For information on the methods, see Data assignment and update methods for file parameters.

This field is disabled if the Next row selection field is set to use Same as <x parameter>.

When out of values Enabled when the selection method is Unique. This field defines what to do when there is no more unique data. Currently, the only supported option is Continue in a cyclic manner.
First data line

Defines the starting row for selecting values from the column. The starting row is bolded in the table.

The values in the rows before the starting row will never be used for the parameter, even when selection is looped or random. For example, if First Data Line is set to 4, then the values in rows 1 to 3 will never be used, and these rows are disabled in the table.

Vuser values allocation

Enabled when the selection method is Unique, and update method is on Each occurrence or Each iteration.

Use the radio buttons to indicate how to allocate data blocks of parameter values to the Vusers:

  • Automatically allocate block size. Controller will automatically allocate the block size, calculated by dividing the number of parameter values by the number of Vusers. (This option is disabled if the update method is Each occurrence.)

    Note: Support for unique selection of parameters with automatic block size:

    • From version 2022 R2: Supported for DevWeb scripts on all LoadRunner products.

    • Version 2022 and 2022 R1: Supported when running DevWeb scripts on LoadRunner Developer or LoadRunner Cloud. It is not supported when running DevWeb scripts on LoadRunner Professional or LoadRunner Enterprise.

  • Allocate values for each Vuser. Directly under this option, specify the block size (number of values) to allocate to each Vuser.

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See also: