Convert scripts to TruClient 2.0 - Web format

Legacy TruClient - Web scripts can be converted to TruClient 2.0 - Web format using the script conversion tool.

Note: Conversion of scripts to TruClient 2.0 - Web is supported from version 24.3, and provided as tech preview.

About converting scripts to TruClient 2.0 - Web

The TruClient 2.0 - Web protocol provides improved browser recording and replay capabilities for TruClient scripts. You can upgrade your legacy TruClient - Web scripts to TruClient 2.0 - Web format using the TruClient script convertor.

The script converter can be used to convert TruClient - Web scripts created in TruClient versions 12.53 and later. You can convert scripts individually, or do a batch conversion of multiple scripts.

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Convert a single script to TruClient 2.0 - Web

You can convert a single TruClient - Web script by opening it in the VuGen editor and selecting the conversion option. Alternatively, you can open the script conversion tool from the Windows Start menu and do the conversion without opening the script.

To convert a script from the VuGen editor:

  1. Open a TruClient - Web script in the VuGen editor.

  2. Select Tools > Convert TruClient Scripts > Convert to TruClient 2.0 Web.

  3. In the displayed Convert TruClient script to TruClient 2.0 script dialog box, enter a name for the converted script.

    The default is the original script name with a _TC2 suffix.

  4. Enter or browse to a location to save the converted script. By default, the script is saved in the same location as the source script.

  5. Click Convert. The converted script is added to the currently open solution in the editor.

To convert a script using the script conversion tool:

  1. Open the TruClient Script Converter from the Windows Start menu.

  2. In the Convert a single script area, browse to the location of the Source script.

  3. In the Output directory box, browse to the folder where you want to save the converted script.

    Note: The converted script will be given the same name as the source TruClient script.

  4. Select the required options for converting the script:

    • Create parent directory for converted script. When selected, creates a new folder named tc2conversion under the selected output directory, and adds the converted script there. If the tc2conversion folder already exists in the output directory, the converted script is added to the existing folder.

      Default mode: Selected

    • If the script already exists in the output directory, overwrite it. When selected, if the output path already contains a script with the same name, the script files are overwritten with the converted script.

      Caution: The overwrite option will overwrite any script in the output directory that has the same name, including the source TruClient script. If it overwrites the source script, the conversion may fail.

      Default mode: Not selected

  5. Click Convert. A message is displayed when the conversion is complete.

  6. If you want to view the converted script, click Open Script. The generated TruClient 2.0 - Web script is opened in a new instance of VuGen.

Tip: Before using the converted TruClient 2.0 - Web script for testing, it is recommended that you replay it once in VuGen, to check that there are no issues.

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Batch convert multiple scripts to TruClient 2.0 - Web

You can use the script conversion tool to convert multiple TruClient - Web scripts to TruClient 2.0 - Web format.

To convert multiple scripts using the script conversion tool:

  1. Open the TruClient Script Converter from the Windows Start menu.

  2. In the Convert multiple scripts area, browse to the Source directory containing the TruClient - Web scripts.

  3. In the Output directory box, browse to the folder where you want to save the converted scripts.

  4. Select the required options for converting the scripts:

    • Search scripts recursively. When selected, all descendant folders under the source directory are searched for TruClient - Web scripts.

      If it is not selected, the search is performed only in the files under the source directory.

      Default mode: Selected

    • If the script already exists in the output directory, overwrite it. When selected, if the output path already contains a script with the same name, those script files are overwritten with the converted script.

      Default mode: Not selected

  5. The discovered TruClient scripts are displayed in the Select scripts box in tree format.

    Note: The script converter finds all TruClient scripts. However, only the TruClient - Web scripts are eligible for conversion to TruClient 2.0 - Web. Other script types will fail the conversion process.

    If Select all scripts by default is enabled (default setting), then all discovered scripts are automatically selected. Use the check boxes in the tree to select or deselect individual scripts, or entire branches.

  6. Click Convert. The script converter attempts to convert all scripts that are checked in the Select scripts box.

    When the conversion is complete, the Result area is displayed in the TruClient Script Converter window. This area provides:

    • A summary of the conversion results.

      Tip: You may need to expand the TruClient Script Converter window to view all summary information.

    • A table listing the scripts and their conversion status. Place the cursor over a status to view more information.

  7. To view a successfully converted script, click the Edit icon in the Result table . The generated TruClient 2.0 - Web script is opened in a new instance of VuGen.

Tip: Before using the converted TruClient 2.0 - Web scripts for testing, it is recommended that you replay them once in VuGen, to check that there are no issues.

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See also: