Protecting custom headers
When an operation uses SOAP headers, VuGen does not automatically sign or encrypt them. To incorporate a protection scheme such as a signature or encryption, you must manually add the following information to the scenario's configuration file (.stss) in the behavior element:
soapAction of the relevant operation
The header XML name and namespace
The protection level
The following example shows an outgoing message with the soapAction, http://mySoapAction. The XML element header1 from namespace http://myServiceNamespace is encrypted and signed. The header2 element from the same namespace is only signed.
<protocols ...> ... <behaviors> <contractBehaviors> <behavior> <channelProtectionBehavior> <protectionRequirements action="http://mySoapAction"> <incomingEncryptionParts> <header localName="header1" namespace="http://myServiceNamespace" /> </incomingEncryptionParts> <incomingSignatureParts> <header localName="header1" namespace=" http://myServiceNamespace " /> <header localName="header2" namespace=" http://myServiceNamespace " /> </incomingSignatureParts> </protectionRequirements> </channelProtectionBehavior> </behavior> </contractBehaviors> </behaviors> </protocols>