Load a DLL locally
This task describes how to use the lr_load_dll function to load a DLL into your Vuser script. Once the DLL is loaded, you can call any function defined within the DLL without having to declare it in your script.
To load a DLL locally:
In a C Vuser script, add an lr_load_dll function to load the DLL at the beginning of your script. Place the statement at the beginning of the vuser_init section. lr_load_dll replaces the ci_load_dll function.
Call the function defined in the DLL in the appropriate place within your script.
In the following example, the insert_vals function, defined in orac1.dll, is called, after the creation of the Test_1 table.
Example: int LR_FUNC Actions(LR_PARAM p) { lr_load_dll("orac1.dll");
lrd_stmt(Csr1, "create table Test_1 (name char(15), id integer)\n", -1,
1 /*Deferred*/, 1 /*Dflt Ora Ver*/, 0); lrd_exec(Csr1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
/* Call the insert_vals function to insert values into the table. */
lrd_stmt(Csr1, "select * from Test_1\n", -1, 1 /*Deferred*/, 1 /*Dflt Ora Ver*/, 0); lrd_bind_col(Csr1, 1, =;NAME_D11, 0, 0); lrd_bind_col(Csr1, 2, =;ID_D12, 0, 0); lrd_exec(Csr1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); lrd_fetch(Csr1, -4, 15, 0, PrintRow14, 0); ...
Use the following syntax:
lr_load_dll( library_name);
Note that for Linux platforms, DLLs are known as shared libraries. The extension of the libraries is platform dependent.
Note: You can specify a full path for the DLL. If you do not specify a path, lr_load_library searches for the DLL using the standard sequence used by the C++ function, LoadLibrary on Windows platforms. On Linux platforms you can set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (or the platform equivalent). The lr_load_dll function uses the same search rules as dlopen. For more information, see the Unix help 'man' page for dlopen.